Hendrée Jones
Director, Horizons Program and Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Hendrée Jones, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in the development and examination of both behavioral and pharmacologic treatments for pregnant women and their children in risky life situations. Dr. Jones has received continuous NIH funding since 1994 and has published over 145 peer-reviewed publications. She has authored two books, and multiple textbook chapters on the topic of pregnancy and addiction, editorial letters and non-peer reviewed articles for clinicians. In 2012 she won the Betty Ford Award from Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse for her scientific contributions in advancing women’s addition treatment. She is a consultant for the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Dr. Jones leads or is involved in projects focused on improving the lives of children, women and families in Afghanistan, the Southern Cone, the Republic of Georgia, South Africa, and the United States.