NIH HEAL Initiative Director’s Awards

The NIH HEAL Initiative® Director’s Awards recognize researchers for excellence in Research, Mentorship, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, and Community Partnership. Researchers in the early to middle stages of their careers are recognized with a Trailblazer Award or honorable mention.

Browse the five award categories and the inaugural awardees from 2023.


The HEAL Director’s Trailblazer Award recognizes HEAL-funded researchers in the early to middle stages of their careers, across all disciplines, who are applying an innovative approach or creativity in their research or are expanding HEAL research into addressing the pain and opioid crisis in new directions. The 2023 awardees demonstrate the ability to develop or apply novel techniques, approaches, models, or methodologies to HEAL research. 

Meredith Adams looking at the camera and smiling

Meredith Adams, M.D., M.S.

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Amanda Bunting looking at the camera and smiling

Amanda Bunting, Ph.D.

New York University Grossman School of Medicine – Department of Population Health 

Funded Project: Adaption of the STAIR-NT Trauma Intervention for Polysubstance Populations

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William Renthal looking at the camera and smiling

William Renthal, M.D., Ph.D.

Brigham and Women's Hospital 

Funded Project: Harvard PRECISION Human Pain Center 

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Chelsea Shover looking at the camera and smiling

Chelsea Shover, Ph.D.

University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Medicine – Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research

Funded Project: Predicting Fatal and Non-Fatal Overdose in Los Angeles County with Rapid Overdose Surveillance Dashboard to Target Street-Based Addiction Treatment and Harm Reduction Services

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Excellence in Research

The HEAL Director’s Award for Excellence in Research recognizes HEAL-funded investigators who exemplify research excellence, support broad dissemination of key research, and demonstrate leadership in the scientific community. The 2023 awardees’ development of experimental practices, models, and approaches have had a major, transformative impact on the pain and addiction research fields. 

Gail Donofrio looking at the camera and smiling

Gail D'Onofrio, M.D., M.S.

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Gregory Scherrer looking at the camera and smiling

Gregory Scherrer, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina School of Medicine – Cell Biology and Physiology

Funded Project: Targeting GPCRs in Amygdalar and Cortical Neural Ensembles to Treat Pain Aversion

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The HEAL Director’s Award for Mentorship recognizes HEAL-funded researchers who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the development and mentorship of early career scientists in the pain and addiction research fields. The 2023 awardees support the independent career trajectories of mentees, are committed to creating a supportive environment, demonstrate integrity, are committed to inclusion and diversity, and help prepare researchers to become mentors themselves. 

Erin Bonar looking at the camera and smiling
Jessica Merlin looking at the camera and smiling

Jessica Merlin, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A.

University of Pittsburgh – Department of Medicine 

Funded Project: Tailored Retention and Engagement for Equitable Treatment of OUD and Pain (TREETOP)

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Thaddeus Tarpey looking at the camera and smiling

Thaddeus Tarpey, Ph.D.

NYU Grossman School of Medicine – Department of Population Health

Funded ProjectEPPIC-NET DCC

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Katie Witkiewitz looking at the camera and smiling

Katie Witkiewitz, Ph.D.

University of New Mexico – Center on Alcohol, Substance Use & Addictions 

Funded Project: Integrative Treatment for Achieving Holistic Recovery from Comorbid Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder

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Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The HEAL Director’s Award for Interdisciplinary Collaboration recognizes HEAL-funded researchers who have bridged relationships across fields of science, resulting in transdisciplinary, cutting-edge, idea-generating research. The 2023 awardees prioritize collaborations integrating diverse levels of analysis, methodologies, ways of thinking, and scientific communities.

Sean Murphy looking at the camera and smiling

Sean Murphy, Ph.D.

Weill Cornell Medicine 

Funded Project: JCOIN Health Economics Analytic Team (HEAT)

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Daniel Rotroff looking at the camera and smiling

Daniel Rotroff, Ph.D.

Case Western Reserve University – Case Comprehensive Cancer Center 

Funded Project: Multi-Omic Biomarkers for Neuropathic Pain Secondary to Chemotherapy

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Sharon Walsh looking at the camera and smiling

Sharon Walsh, Ph.D.

University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy 

Funded Project: HEALing Communities Study - Kentucky

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Community Partnership

The HEAL Director’s Award for Community Partnership recognizes HEAL-funded researchers who demonstrate a commitment to community partnerships through community-based participatory research methods, integrating feedback from people with lived experience, and engagement through community advisory boards. The 2023 awardees demonstrate commitment to sustained relationships with the community, characterized by respect, equity, and engagement in multiple phases of the research. 

Linda Sprague Martinez looking at the camera and smiling

Linda Sprague Martinez, Ph.D.

Boston University School of Social Work

Funded ProjectHEALing Communities Study - Massachusetts

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Kamilla Venner looking at the camera and smiling

Kamilla Venner, Ph.D.

The University of New Mexico – Department of Psychology

Funded ProjectIntegrative Treatment for Achieving Holistic Recovery from Comorbid Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder

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J. Deanna Wilson looking at the camera and smiling

J. Deanna Wilson, M.D., M.P.H.

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Learn more about the NIH HEAL Initiative

4th Annual NIH HEAL Initiative Investigator Meeting

The NIH HEAL Initiative® will bring together HEAL funded researchers, federal officials, people with lived experience, and other stakeholders to share research findings, explore trends and shared interests, and identify opportunities to advance the goals of the initiative.

View event page

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