REACH Half Day Symposium: The role of muscles in chronic low back pain
Wed, 8/26/2020 - 12:00pm - 3:35pm
The meeting is FREE and open to the public, but registration is required.
Virtual Meeting Information
Information to access the Zoom meeting will be provided in confirmation email upon registration. Please note this event takes place from 9:00 am - 12:35 pm PST and from 12:00 pm - 3:35 pm EST.
9:00 am - 9:10 am Welcome Remarks and Announcements
Dr. Wolf Mehling, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Dr. Roland Krug, UCSF
9:10 am - 9:25 am Introduction to the Program
Dr. Jeffrey Lotz, UCSF
Session I: What Is Seen Clinically?
9:25 am - 10:00 am Clinical phenotype of muscle-related chronic low back pain
Dr. Sibel Deviren, UCSF
10:00 am - 10:35 am Multifidus, trunk control and movement strategies in persons with recurrent low back pain
Dr. Kornelia Kulig, University of Southern California (USC)
10:35 am - 11:00 am Clinical implications of chronic myofascial pain and central sensitization
Dr. Jay Shah, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
11:10 am - 11:25 am BREAK
Session II: How to Improve Clinical Assessment?
11:25 am - 12:00 pm Muscle MRI: Methods and applications
Dr. Roland Krug, UCSF
Session III: Potential for Targeted Therapy
12:00 pm - 12:35 pm Regenerative capacity of paraspinal muscles
Dr. Brian Feeley, UCSF
12:35 pm Adjourn