REACH Seminar Series—Predictive Modeling in Intelligence-Based Spine Care: One Lab's Experience With Phenotyping, Machine Learning, Mathematical Modeling, and Imaging
Thu, 4/7/2022 - 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Morgan Giers, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Oregon State University School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering, will present a seminar titled “Predictive Modeling in Intelligence-Based Spine Care: One Lab's Experience With Phenotyping, Machine Learning, Mathematical Modeling, and Imaging.
Topics Covered
- Predictive modeling
- Spine care
- Phenotyping
- Machine learning
- Imaging
- Mathematical modeling
Full Agenda with Speakers
“Predictive Modeling in Intelligence-Based Spine Care: One Lab's Experience With Phenotyping, Machine Learning, Mathematical Modeling, and Imaging"
Speaker: Morgan Giers, Ph.D.
4:45–5:00 p.m.
For More Information, Contact:
Alex Guzman at [email protected]
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