Funded Projects

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Project # Project Title Research Focus Area Research Program Administering IC Institution(s) Investigator(s) Location(s) Year Awarded
Peer Engagement in Methamphetamine Harm-Reduction with Contingency Management (PEER-CM) Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY KORTHUIS, PHILIP TODD Portland, OR 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

Despite substantial increases in overdose deaths among people who use methamphetamine, little is known about how to effectively provide harm reduction services to these individuals. This project will combine and test two harm reduction interventions for people who use methamphetamine. First, peer recovery support specialists will help identify personal harm reduction goals. The project will also test the value of incentives toward achieving these goals (a strategy known as contingency management).

Opioid and SUD Data Enclave (O-SUDDEn): Bringing Real-Time Data to the Opioid Crisis Cross-Cutting Research Leveraging Existing and Real-Time Opioid and Pain Management Data NIDA OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY FERNANDEZ, SOLEDAD A (contact); HUERTA, TIMOTHY R Columbus, OH 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Data and Methods to Address Urgent Needs to Stem the Opioid Epidemic (R01- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-044

The lack of timely data about drug use and overdose deaths has hindered the ability of communities and state agencies to allocate resources to regions where they are most needed. This project will develop a secure data pool that combines individual and community-level real-time data from multiple sources, including urine drug testing. These data will then be used to model the contribution of opioid, cocaine, and stimulant use to overdoses, overdose deaths, and cases of substance use disorder. This research will also use urine drug testing results and demographic/contextual data to identify populations and subpopulations at highest risk of drug use and overdose. This information will be displayed through a data platform tailored to the needs of end users (e.g., communities or agencies) and with user-friendly tools that help users make informed decisions on where resources are most urgently needed.

Implementing and Evaluating the Impact of Novel Mobile Harm Reduction Services on Overdose Among Women who use Drugs: The SHOUT Study Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SHERMAN, SUSAN G Baltimore, MD 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action Data Infrastructure Support Center
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

This project will evaluate a previously developed harm reduction intervention that addresses the needs of women who use drugs in an urban environment. The approach uses a mobile van to offer naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and other harm reduction supplies – along with necessities such as food and clothing, brief trauma-informed counseling, and referrals to drug treatment, medical care, and social services. This research aims to test the impact of an intervention that may increase access to harm reduction services for women, as well as assess how to put it into place.

Using Data to Drive Action to Reduce Opioid Overdoses in Seattle, WA Cross-Cutting Research Translating Data 2 Action to Prevent Overdose NIDA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BANTA-GREEN, CALEB (contact); HOOD, JULIA ELIZABETH Seattle, WA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action Innovation Projects (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-051

This project will use a data-to-action framework to guide implementation of opioid use disorder treatment and harm reduction interventions based on rapid data analysis. It will leverage existing data systems such as Emergency Medical Services (EMS) reports, mobile integrated health case management data, and medical examiner data for near real-time data analyses, visualization, and action planning. This research will collect a range of data (opioid treatment, use of acute care services, morbidity, mortality, incarceration, housing support, and cost benefits) from a sub-acute stabilization center for people at high risk for opioid overdose, including those who have recently overdosed and are referred and transported by EMS teams.

Expansion of Mail-Delivered Harm Reduction Services in the U.S. Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA WEILL MEDICAL COLL OF CORNELL UNIV BEHRENDS, CZARINA NAVOS New York, NY 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

Harm reduction supplies include fentanyl test strips that allow people who use drugs to identify whether the substance(s) they plan to take contain fentanyl and sterile syringes that help to prevent the spread of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs. One potential way to increase access to harm reduction supplies is mail delivery. This project will describe state-level policies that deter the use of mail-based delivery of harm reduction services, examine characteristics of people who use mail-based harm reduction services, and assess individual preferences related to mail-based harm reduction services.

Teaching Harm Reduction in Vulnerable Environments (THRIVE): A Peer-Led Intervention Bridging Acute Care Settings and the Discharge to the Community Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH WILSON, JACQUELINE DEANNA Pittsburgh, PA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

People who use drugs often have other medical problems that cause them to visit an emergency department frequently. This project will develop and test an intervention aimed at reducing health risk among Black people who use drugs that visit an urban emergency department for care. The intervention will be delivered by people with lived experience of drug use and tailored to meet the unique needs of Black people who use drugs.

Rapid Actionable Data for Opioid Response in Kentucky (RADOR-KY) Cross-Cutting Research Leveraging Existing and Real-Time Opioid and Pain Management Data NIDA UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY SLAVOVA, SVETLA STEFANOVA (contact); TALBERT, JEFFERY C Lexington, KY 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Data and Methods to Address Urgent Needs to Stem the Opioid Epidemic (R01- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-044

To respond quickly and effectively to the constantly changing dynamics of the opioid crisis, public health agencies and organizations need timely state and local data to make critical decisions about where to allocate resources and target responses. This project creates the Rapid Actionable Data for Opioid Response in Kentucky system, a near real-time statewide surveillance system. This resource will combine data from multiple state agencies to provide actionable and timely information to support opioid overdose prevention, harm reduction, evidence-based treatment, and recovery services. The project will also develop user-driven reporting and visualization tools (mobile and web-based apps) that provide immediate access to near real-time community or state level data, reports, and visual analytics.

Assessing the Reach, Effectiveness, and Implementation of Multiple Harm Reduction Interventions Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA RESEARCH TRIANGLE INSTITUTE KRAL, ALEXANDER H Research Triangle Park, NC 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

Numerous harm reduction strategies are available to reduce the harmful consequences of drug use. Examples include syringe services programs that provide sterile syringes, easy access to naloxone, and fentanyl test strips that may help people identify whether the substance(s) they plan to take contain fentanyl. This project aims to evaluate the use and effectiveness of several strategies in an urban environment as well as determine the openness and commitment of providers to offering them. 

Tracking the Opioid Epidemic with Social Media: An Early Warning System Cross-Cutting Research Leveraging Existing and Real-Time Opioid and Pain Management Data NIDA STANFORD UNIVERSITY ALTMAN, RUSS BIAGIO Redwood City, CA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Exploratory Data and Methods to Address Urgent Needs to Stem the Opioid Epidemic (R21- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-045

A key component to addressing the current opioid overdose crisis is the ability to track dangerous opioid use in a timely manner so that public health agencies can plan accordingly. Direct reports about drug use and overdoses from social media might provide a useful early warning system that when combined with other sources, can provide policy makers and public health officials with powerful tools for monitoring this public health crisis. This project will explore the usefulness of Twitter and Reddit as a social media component of opioid use surveillance – in particular by monitoring mentions of fentanyl and synthetic opioids at various geographic levels (e.g., local or regional) and over time.

A Network-Based, Mixed Methods Study to Identify and Support Multiple Overdose Responders and Inform Overdose Prevention Interventions Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA RENO WAGNER, KARLA D Reno, NV 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

While some people who use drugs do not carry or use naloxone, others respond to multiple overdoses over short periods of time. This project aims to identify characteristics and experiences of these individuals, known as “overdose responders,” toward better understanding barriers to naloxone use. The research will also test interventions to support the well-being of responders and to increase the number of community members ready and willing to give naloxone to reverse overdose. 

Fast and Fine: NLP Methods for Near Real-Time and Fine-Grained Overdose Surveillance Cross-Cutting Research Leveraging Existing and Real-Time Opioid and Pain Management Data NIDA UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KAVULURU, VENKATA NAGA RAMAKANTH Lexington, KY 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Data and Methods to Address Urgent Needs to Stem the Opioid Epidemic (R01- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-044

Timely and accurate surveillance of fatal and non-fatal overdoses is necessary in light of the worsening overdose crisis, but data is rarely available in real-time. Tracking non-fatal overdoses is especially important because patients who overdose once are likely to experience additional and potentially fatal overdoses. This project aims to increase the quality and timeliness of non-fatal overdose data estimates by analyzing clinicians’ notes rather than clinical codes from emergency department and emergency medical services records. The datasets and models produced from this research will be used to build an interactive dashboard with up-to-date, county-level overdose-surveillance estimates for use by Kentucky first responders to aid in rapid allocation of resources.

Culturally Response Integrated Harm Reduction Services for Black and Latinx People Who use Drugs Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE JORDAN, AYANA New York, NY 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-046

There has been a substantial increase in overdose deaths among Black and Hispanic/Latino people who use drugs. This project will test and evaluate delivery of harm reduction services from a mobile van. A community-based care coordinator will assess the specific needs of each participant (such as housing, food assistance, and mental health treatment) toward the goal of linking each person to appropriate services.

RTI HEAL Harm Reduction Network Coordination Center Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Harm Reduction Approaches to Reduce Overdose Deaths NIDA RESEARCH TRIANGLE INSTITUTE OGA, EMMANUEL AJA (contact); CANCE, JESSICA DUNCAN Research Triangle Park, NC 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Harm Reduction Policies, Practices, and Modes of Delivery for Persons with Substance Use Disorders: Coordination Center (R24 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-042

This project creates the HEAL Harm Reduction Network Coordination Center, which will provide support to the nine research studies in the HEAL Harm Research Reduction Network. The center will provide administrative and logistical help; support data harmonization and data sharing; involve stakeholders in all network activities; and share research findings and other products with researchers, practitioners, stakeholders, and the general public. 

Transdermal Rotigotine as Adjunct to Behavioral Therapy for Cocaine Use Disorder Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Focusing Medication Development to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose NIDA VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY BJORK, JAMES M; ARIAS, ALBERT JOSEPH Richmond, VA 2022
NOFO Title: Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01)
NOFO Number: PAR-19-327

Currently no medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat cocaine use disorder, which compromises cognitive function associated with achieving goals such as working memory, the ability to update information, and mental flexibility. This project will test whether  stimulating dopamine activity in the brain with the drug rotigotine (approved to treat Parkinson’s disease) is effective for treating cocaine use disorder. Past research has also shown that rotigotine can improve nerve cell and cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease. This project will conduct a clinical trial to test whether treatment with rotigotine combined with cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce cocaine use in people with cocaine use disorder.

Adaption of the STAIR-NT Trauma Intervention for Polysubstance Populations Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE BUNTING, AMANDA M (contact); RENN, TANYA RAE New York, NY 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Pilot & Feasibility Trials to Improve Prevention and Treatment Service Delivery for Polysubstance Use (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-048

Compared to people who use only one type of drug, people who use combinations of drugs, such as opioids and stimulants, are more likely to have histories of childhood trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This project will adapt an existing PTSD intervention, Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation with Narrative Therapy, to treat individuals with polysubstance use. This research will be piloted in a methadone maintenance treatment program to assess feasibility and acceptability. If successful, the findings will lay the groundwork for a large-scale clinical trial.

Development of an Integrated Intervention Involving Recovery Coaching and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Opioid Use Disorder Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Recovery Research Networks NIDA CLEMSON UNIVERSITY LITWIN, ALAIN HARRIS (contact); HEO, MOONSEONG Clemson, SC 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Grants for Efficacy or Effectiveness Trials of Recovery Support Services for Individuals Treated with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-034

Many people intending to take medications for opioid use disorder, including buprenorphine, as part of their recovery pathway do not stay in treatment long enough to reduce risk for overdose. These individuals also often continue to use one or more other drugs during treatment, which may further raise their overdose risk. This project will develop and conduct a preliminary test of an innovative integrated intervention that combines buprenorphine treatment with recovery coaching and online cognitive behavioral therapy. This research will assess whether the approach reduces drug use during buprenorphine treatment and helps people stay in treatment longer.

Equity Using Interventions for Pain and Depression (EQUIPD) Clinical Research in Pain Management Advancing Health Equity in Pain Management NINR INDIANA UNIV-PURDUE UNIV AT INDIANAPOLIS MATTHIAS, MARIANNE Indianapolis, IN 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Advancing Health Equity in Pain and Comorbidities (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-22-037

Opioid overdose deaths disproportionately affect Black individuals in the United States. While the use of complementary and integrative pain treatments is effective and widely recommended, Black pain patients (especially those who also have depression) face barriers to the use of these approaches. This project will refine, test, and prepare to implement a novel approach to overcoming these treatment barriers. The research will partner with and empower Black patients to find safe, effective pain treatments that best match their values, preferences, and lifestyles.

A Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Fentanyl-Stimulant Polysubstance Use Among People Experiencing Homelessness Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA YALE UNIVERSITY MCNEIL, RYAN (contact); KNIGHT, KELLY RAY New Haven, CT 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Understanding Polysubstance Use and Improving Service Delivery to Address Polysubstance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-047

Compared to people with stable housing, individuals experiencing homelessness are more likely to use both fentanyl and stimulants and experience drug-related harms. This project will examine fentanyl-stimulant polysubstance use patterns and how they evolve over time in response to changes to housing status. It will also assess use of overdose prevention and substance use disorder treatment interventions in homeless individuals who use both fentanyl and stimulants, including how polysubstance use patterns shape their risk of overdose over time. This research will also interact with community stakeholders toward translating the findings into future research, policy, and program recommendations.

Collaborative Hub for Emerging Adult Recovery Research (CHEARR) Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Recovery Research Networks NIDA UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT SCH OF MED/DNT ZAJAC, KRISTYN Farmington, CT 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Research Networks for the Study of Recovery Support Services for Persons Treated with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (R24 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-043

The opioid crisis has been particularly devastating to adolescents and young adults between 16 and 25 years old. Recovery support services in community settings can help these individuals who take medications for opioid use disorder find a path to recovery. This project will develop a network of advanced researchers, recovery support specialists, adolescents and young adults in recovery, and other key community stakeholders to help rapidly advance the science of recovery support services. This research will focus in particular on continuing care services specialized for adolescents and young adults who currently take or who have taken medications for opioid use disorder.

Using System Dynamics Modeling to Foster Real-Time Connections to Care Cross-Cutting Research Translating Data 2 Action to Prevent Overdose NIDA YALE UNIVERSITY HECKMANN, REBEKAH (contact); S SABOUNCHI, NASIM New Haven, CT 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action Innovation Projects (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-051

First responders prevent many overdose deaths by providing life-saving resuscitation and giving naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose. This project will use a modeling approach to assess the impact of Good Samaritan Laws that protect people from certain criminal penalties if they call 911 to save an overdose victim by giving naloxone on overdose mortality. This research will develop and test a novel, scalable, telehealth platform that can be used at the time of an opioid overdose to link patients with access to medication for opioid use disorder, harm reduction services, and recovery support. The research will be informed by patient-outcome data.

IND-Enabling Program for a Long-Acting Anti-Methamphetamine Monoclonal Antibody for Treating Methamphetamine Use Disorder Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Focusing Medication Development to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose NIDA INTERVEXION THERAPEUTICS, LLC STEVENS, MISTY WARD Little Rock, AR 2022
NOFO Title: Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01)
NOFO Number: PAR-19-327

There are currently no medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat methamphetamine use disorder, even though risky patterns of methamphetamine use and overdose deaths have increased in recent years. Research using animal models shows that immune molecules that latch onto methamphetamine (anti-methamphetamine antibodies) show promise in blocking the effects of the drug. This project aims to identify a long-acting monoclonal antibody targeted to methamphetamine and conduct development and safety studies to prepare for future testing of the antibody treatment in humans.

Peer-Delivered, Behavioral Activation Intervention to Improve Polysubstance Use and Retention in Mobile Telemedicine OUD Treatment in an Underserved, Rural Area Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK MAGIDSON, JESSICA F (contact); KATTAKUZHY, SARAH M College Park, MD 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Understanding Polysubstance Use and Improving Service Delivery to Address Polysubstance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-047

Polysubstance use, especially use of both opioids and stimulants, is compounding the already devastating effects of the opioid crisis in underserved rural areas. This project builds on a previously established treatment model for opioid use disorder that uses telehealth and mobile treatment units, which seeks to engage people in activities they enjoy, to help them avoid negative behaviors such as drug use. This research will evaluate the effectiveness of a behavioral treatment approach delivered by peer recovery support specialists in rural areas and using mobile treatment units. The project will measure the intervention’s effect on treatment retention and polysubstance use – as well as evaluate the intervention’s feasibility, acceptability, adoption, and economic value.

Planning Grant for a Multi-Site Trial to Examine the Effectiveness of Recovery Community Centers Serving Black Communities to Support Persons Using Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Recovery Research Networks NIDA Massachusetts General Hospital HOEPPNER, BETTINA B (contact); KELLY, JOHN F Boston, MA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Grants for Efficacy or Effectiveness Trials of Recovery Support Services for Individuals Treated with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-034

People who take medications for opioid use disorder as part of their recovery pathway need to take these medications for extended periods of time to reduce risk of overdose. Recovery community centers, which provide a range of recovery-oriented and peer-delivered services in a welcoming environment, may be an important asset for these individuals. This project joins two recovery community centers that serve Black communities with an academic research team to inform the design of a rigorous, large-scale clinical trial to determine if clinical referral to recovery community centers improves long-term recovery outcomes.

Disrupting Social Determinants of Health to Improve Substance Use and Mental Health Outcomes for Parents in Rural Regions New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Preventing Opioid Use Disorder NIDA OREGON SOCIAL LEARNING CENTER, INC. SALDANA, LISA Eugene, OR 2022
NOFO Title: NIH HEAL Initiative: Preventing Opioid Misuse and Co-Occurring Conditions by Intervening on Social Determinants (R01 Clinical Trials Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-036

Social determinants of health are individual and environmental factors that affect health, the ability to function, and quality of life. This project will study the impact of the family-focused Families Actively Improving Relationships (FAIR) prevention intervention currently offered in rural Oregon counties to parents experiencing substance use and mental health challenges. Through the FAIR program, participants receive substance use treatment services; mental health treatment services; parent management training; and support to access employment, housing, education or to mitigate exposure to violence and discrimination. This research will examine how the FAIR intervention affects substance use and societal determinants of health, toward informing payors and decision makers about the cost and value of FAIR prevention services in rural communities.

Leveraging Parents and Peer Recovery Supports to Increase Recovery Capital in Emerging Adults with Polysubstance Use: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Scaling Up of Launch Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA CHESTNUT HEALTH SYSTEMS DRAZDOWSKI, TESS K Eugene, OR 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Pilot & Feasibility Trials to Improve Prevention and Treatment Service Delivery for Polysubstance Use (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-048

Young adults (18 to 26) with a substance use problem have the highest rates of polysubstance use among all age groups. At the same time, individuals in this age group (especially in rural areas) are generally lacking in recovery capital: resources to help them recover from substance use, such as vocational or educational skills. This project will assess the feasibility and acceptability of “Launch,” which uses parental and peer recovery support to increase recovery capital for young adults with polysubstance use. The intervention will use coaching as well as contingency management, a treatment approach in which individuals receive tangible rewards as incentives for desired behaviors such as abstinence. If successful, the findings will inform a future large-scale trial assessing the effectiveness of this approach.