Funded Projects

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Project # Project Title Research Focus Area Research Program Administering IC Institution(s) Investigator(s) Location(s) Year Awarded
The Whole Health Study: Collaborative Care for OUD and Mental Health Conditions New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Optimizing Care for People with Opioid Use Disorder and Mental Health Conditions NIMH UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA MANDELL, DAVID S (contact); BOGNER, HILLARY R; KAMPMAN, KYLE MATTHEW Philadelphia, PA 2024
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Effectiveness Trials to Optimize, Implement, Scale, and Sustain the Collaborative Care Model for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorders and Mental Health Conditions (U01 Clinical Trial)
NOFO Number: RFA-MH-19-525
The Whole Health Study: Collaborative Care for OUD and Mental Health Conditions New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction Optimizing Care for People with Opioid Use Disorder and Mental Health Conditions NIMH UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA MANDELL, DAVID S (contact); BOGNER, HILLARY R; KAMPMAN, KYLE MATTHEW Philadelphia, PA 2019
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Effectiveness Trials to Optimize, Implement, Scale, and Sustain the Collaborative Care Model for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorders and Mental Health Conditions (U01 Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: RFA-MH-19-525

This study will refine and test a collaborative care model for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) and major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or an anxiety disorder in primary care. The primary aims of the study are: (1) prototype and test elements of the research team’s collaborative care models; (2) conduct a randomized study of three collaborative care conditions to determine which is most effective in improving outcomes for people with OUD and mental health conditions: Augmented Usual Care, Collaborative Care, or Collaborative Care + Social Worker; (3) measure clinician and organizational-level factors associated with implementation to increase success; (4) conduct a cost evaluation of each collaborative care model; and (5) work with smaller and rural practices to develop and test effective strategies to manage OUD. Successful completion of this study will provide evidence regarding the elements of integrated collaborative care required to maximize outcomes for individuals with OUD and psychiatric disorders.