Funded Projects
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Project # | Project Title | Research Focus Area | Research Program | Administering IC | Institution(s) | Investigator(s) | Location(s) | Year Awarded |
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Defining Mechanisms of Pain Relief Associated with Dorsal Root Ganglion and Spinal Cord Stimulation | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Translating Discoveries into Effective Devices to Treat Pain | NINDS | University of Pittsburgh | KOERBER, H RICHARD (contact); LEMPKA, SCOTT F; WEBER, DOUGLAS J | Pittsburgh, PA | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Interdisciplinary Teams to Elucidate the Mechanisms of Device-Based Pain Relief (RM1 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: NS22-016 Summary: Chronic pain is a debilitating condition for which there is a pressing need for safe, effective treatments. Neurostimulation therapies that target nerve structures such as the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and the spinal cord, have shown promising results for treating chronic pain, but researchers don’t know how they work. This project focuses on two prevailing models used to explain the therapeutic effects of neurostimulation: the gate-control model in which pain signals are blocked from reaching the brain and the T-junction filtering model in which pain signals are blocked from reaching the spinal cord. Strategies will include innovative behavioral, electrophysiological, imaging, and computational modeling techniques. The results of these studies will help explain why neurostimulation therapies work and potentially offer new treatment strategies for improved pain relief. |
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Latinx Children and Surgery | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Advancing Health Equity in Pain Management | NIMH | University of California, Irvine | KAIN, ZEEV | Irvine, CA | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Advancing Health Equity in Pain Management (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: NS22-002 Summary: Both pain experience and treatment response are determined by a variety of factors, including race and ethnicity. Inequities in access to healthcare and pain treatment affect patients from minority populations, such as Hispanic/Latino populations of all age groups. This study will develop and test an online intervention—Web-based Tailored Intervention for Preparation of Parents and Children for Outpatient Surgery (L-WebTIPS)—tailored for Latino families of children having outpatient surgeries. The intervention aims to lower child and family anxiety before surgery as well as to reduce post-surgical pain by enhancing parent self-efficacy and behavioral pain coping strategies. After an exploratory phase to assess usability and acceptability of the intervention, the study will evaluate the impact of L-WebTIPS on child pre-surgery anxiety and post-surgery pain as well assess other child and parent outcomes. |
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Pre-Trial Implementation Study for Ketamine in Sickle Cell Disease | Cross-Cutting Research | NINDS | Duke University | LIMKAKENG, ALEXANDER TAN | Durham, NC | 2022 | |
NOFO Title: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA21-071 Summary: There are significant and persistent gaps in knowledge about effective pain management for acute and chronic sickle cell pain. This is an area of relevant interest for the NIH HEAL Initiative's Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net). In order to provide guidance for hospital-based administration of the medication ketamine, this project will conduct a cross-sectional survey study of healthcare professionals within EPPIC-Net who provide care for people with sickle cell disease. This information can be used to design a clinical protocol for a multisite, randomized clinical trial of sub-anesthetic (low) doses of ketamine for challenging vaso-occlusive episodes (“pain crises”) in people with sickle cell disease. |
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Novel Approach to Personalize and Monitor Therapeutic Training At Home in Chronic Pelvic Pain Management | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NICHD | Hillmed, Inc. | DIAS, NICHOLAS | Katy, TX | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 Summary: Chronic pelvic pain is a debilitating condition that negatively affects the social and sexual quality of life for up to 20% of American women. Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) pain is caused by many factors, as well as by incorrect posture and excessive sensitization of the peripheral nervous system. This project will introduce a prototype of the Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) HomeTrainer that monitors, quantitatively and in real time, both PFM activation capacity and muscle interactions between the PFM and hip/trunk muscles and adapts the PFM training to the user’s needs in their own home. The proposed CPP HomeTrainer offers biofeedback to aid myofascial physical therapy and movement pattern training by tailoring the protocol to specifically correct interactions between the PFM and problematic hip/trunk muscles. |
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Initial Development of AEG-1 Inactivation as a Possible Strategy for Pain Treatment | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Development and Optimization of Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain | NINDS | Virginia Commonwealth University | DAMAJ, M IMAD (contact); SARKAR, DEVANAND | Richmond, Virginia | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Studies for Initial Analgesic Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] (R61 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NS21-029 Summary: There is a continued need to discover and validate new targets for potential therapeutic strategies for effective and safe treatment of pain. This project focuses on the protein metadherin, also known as astrocyte elevated gene-1 protein (AEG-1), as a possible new target for pain treatment. Preliminary studies have shown that mice genetically engineered to lack metadherin had significantly lower inflammation and chronic pain-related behaviors. This project aims to further validate AEG-1 as a pain target and test whether reducing levels in white blood cells called macrophages might work as a therapeutic strategy to reduce chronic inflammatory and/or neuropathic pain using an innovative nanoparticle approach to target specific cells. |
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Antagonists of CRMP2 Phosphorylation for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Development and Optimization of Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA | KHANNA, RAJESH | Tucson, Arizona | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Studies for Initial Analgesic Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] (R61 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NS21-029 Summary: A more thorough understanding of neuropathic pain is critical for developing new target-specific medications. Researchers know that peripheral nerve injury changes various cell processes that affect two ion channels linked with chronic pain. Preliminary studies indicate that molecular changes known as phosphorylation to the collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), one of five intracellular phosphoproteins, promotes abnormal excitability in the brain region that contributes to neuropathic pain. This project aims to develop small molecule inhibitors of CRMP2 phosphorylation as potential therapeutics for pain. |
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Development of Therapeutic Antibodies to Target Sodium Channels Involved in Pain Signaling | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Development and Optimization of Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain | NINDS | University of California, Davis | YAROV-YAROVOY, VLADIMIR M (contact); TRIMMER, JAMES S | Davis, CA | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Studies for Initial Analgesic Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] (R61 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NS21-029 Summary: Voltage-gated sodium channels such as Nav1.7, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 transmit pain signals in nerve fibers and are molecular targets for pain therapy. While Nav channels have been validated as pharmacological targets for the treatment of pain, available therapies are limited due to incomplete efficacy and significant side effects. Taking advantage of recent advances in structural biology and computational-based protein design, this project aims to develop antibodies to attach to Nav channels and freeze them in an inactive state. These antibodies can then be further developed as novel treatments for chronic pain. |
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Developing GPR37 Activators as Non-Opioid Pain Therapeutics | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Development and Optimization of Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain | NINDS | University of Texas Med BR | LA, JUN-HO (contact); ALLEN, JOHN A; ZHOU, JIA | Galveston, TX | 2022 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Studies for Initial Analgesic Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] (R61 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NS21-029 Summary: Chronic pain from tissue injury often stems from long-term changes in spinal cord circuits that change nerve sensation. Reversing these changes may provide better pain therapeutics. Previous work in animal models showed that activating G protein-coupled receptor 37 (GPR37) dampens nerve signal intensity after long-term stimulation and alleviates pain behavioral responses. This project aims to validate GPR37 in the spinal cord as a useful target for new treatments for neuropathic pain. The work will facilitate screening and identification of new molecules that activate GPR37, which can then be tested for efficacy and safety in further research in animal models of pain. |
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EPPIC-NET DCC | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE | TROXEL, ANDREA B (contact); YU, CHANG | New York, NY | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107 Summary: There is a clear public health imperative to improve the care and outcomes of people who experience severe acute and chronic pain. The Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) is charged with conducting deep phenotyping and biomarker studies for specific pain conditions – and with conducting high-quality phase II clinical trials to test novel non-opioid pain treatments with academic and industry partners. This research will extend EPPIC-Net’s current portfolio to develop novel and efficient data-analytic methodologies for complex medical data, such as those that are expected to be generated by the clinical trials conducted by EPPIC-Net. |
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Improving Diversity, Inclusion, and Retention in BackinAction/AcuOA | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NCCIH | KAISER FOUNDATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE | SHERMAN, KAREN J | Oakland, CA | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: Participants in many clinical trials do not represent the U.S. population. Racial/ethnic minorities are often underrepresented, as are people with lower socioeconomic status and lower education levels, who face additional barriers, such as lack of transportation or childcare. Thus, both recruitment and retention of such populations is challenging, particularly for complementary and integrative health trials. This project proposes to enhance diversity, inclusion, and retention of participants in an ongoing study by creating a patient and caregiver Diversity, Recruitment, and Retention Advisory Board as well as adding a recruitment and retention specialist to coordinate the advisory board and implement necessary activities. The project will also provide evidence-based recruitment tools and will conduct structured interviews with patients who choose not to participate in a study as well as those who are at risk of dropping out to enhance understanding of the barriers and factors contributing to trial recruitment, loss to follow-up, and successful completion. |
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REACH Participant Diversity Program | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Back Pain Consortium Research Program | NIAMS | UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO | LOTZ, JEFFREY C | San Francisco, CA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: The University of California, San Francisco, as part of the Back Pain Consortium (BACPAC) Research Program, has established a Core Center for Patient-centric Mechanistic Phenotyping in Chronic Low Back Pain (REACH). The main goal of REACH is to define different subtypes (phenotypes) of chronic low back pain as well as to identify underlying pain mechanisms that can lead to effective, personalized treatments for patients across all population subgroups. To achieve this goal, REACH is, or will be, participating in several clinical trials, and it is imperative that the patients participating in these trials reflect the diversity of the U.S. population. Therefore, this project seeks to adapt methods that have successfully improved minority participation in other settings as well as to develop and deploy digital strategies that can promote recruitment and engagement of patients from marginalized populations. |
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Wake Forest NCORP Research Base | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Pain Management Effectiveness Research Network (ERN) | NCI | WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES | LESSER, GLENN J | Winston-Salem, NC | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107 Summary: Cancer remains a leading cause of death among Hispanic/Latino populations in the United States. Compared with non-Hispanic Whites, Hispanic/Latino cancer patients are more likely to experience poor quality of life and inadequate cancer-related care, including less effective pain relief and poor patient‒provider communication. Additionally, Hispanic/Latino populations often have inadequate access to pain treatment, due to both social disparities and language barriers. However, most behavioral and psychosocial oncology research continues to focus on non-Hispanic Whites, and empirically validated and effective treatment interventions, particularly psychosocial interventions, are often not available in Spanish. This project will generate a Spanish-language version of the painTRAINER internet-based coping skills training program that is both linguistically and culturally sensitive and will evaluate its feasibility and acceptability in Hispanic/Latino patients with persistent cancer-related pain. |
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Improving representation of non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic study participants in a trial of virtual reality for chronic lower back pain | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Back Pain Consortium Research Program | NIAMS | CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER | SPIEGEL, BRENNAN | Los Angeles, CA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: Digital health interventions, such as virtual reality (VR) applications, have become available for the treatment and monitoring of numerous health conditions, including pain management. A current HEAL-funded study is evaluating the role of a therapeutic VR approach for chronic low back pain. However, racial and ethnic disparities exist in patient access and response to such VR applications, as well as in the incidence and reporting of pain. For example, non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to report severe pain than non-Hispanic Whites, yet are less likely to have access to digital health information and interventions. To address these disparities, this project will develop a framework to advance diversity and inclusion in digital health trials and will seek to increase the proportion of non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic participants in the ongoing VR trial by tailoring recruitment materials and using novel artificial intelligence-driven cohort building tools. |
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Group-Based Mindfulness for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain in the Primary Care | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NCCIH | BOSTON MEDICAL CENTER | MORONE, NATALIA E | Boston, MA | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in treating chronic low back pain, but it has not been embedded into routine clinical care. The OPTIMUM study (Optimizing Pain Treatment In Medical settings Using Mindfulness) will address barriers to delivering mindfulness in primary care and determine the effectiveness in this setting. This project extends the stakeholder engagement efforts of the OPTIMUM study by increasing the size and responsibilities of the Community Advisory Board, adding focus groups for participants in both study arms, and collecting stories from study nonparticipants about their experience seeking care for chronic low back pain and their views on participating in research. This expanded effort will optimize recruitment of a diverse and underrepresented sample, maximize retention, and prepare for future implementation and dissemination. |
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A 24-week Week Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of CNTX-6970 in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Knee Osteoarthritis Pain. | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | Massachussetts General Hospital | FAVA, MAURIZIO | Boston, MA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: EPPIC-Net Pain Research Asset Application (OT2)
NOFO Number: OTA-20-008 Summary: This award funds EPPIC-NET’s first phase 2 clinical trial, testing the novel oral drug CNTX-6970 in patients with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis pain. It will include 150 participants at EPPIC-Net sites across the United States. Preclinical studies of CNTX-6970, which binds effectively and dose-proportionally to C-C chemokine type 2 (CCR2) receptors, have demonstrated potent analgesia in multiple pain models, with no emergent safety issues. CNTX-6970 has effects both at an affected joint, as well as on neural signaling. Participants will be randomized to receive CNTX-6970, placebo, or a third pain medication and will be followed for 24 weeks. |
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Novel Implantable Device to Negate Post-Amputation Pain | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Translating Discoveries into Effective Devices to Treat Pain | NIBIB | NOVAFLUX, INC. | LABIB, MOHAMED E (contact); KATHJU, SANDEEP | Princeton, NJ | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Translational Development of Devices to Treat Pain (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-EB-18-003 Summary: Approximately 3.6 million Americans live with an amputated extremity, and the majority of these individuals are likely to suffer from chronic post-amputation pain. There is no consensus as to a recommended therapy for such pain, and many treatments do not provide sufficient pain control. Some studies have shown effective pain suppression from delivering an anesthetic agent directly to an injured nerve. This research aims to develop a device that can be implanted near the injured nerves of an amputated limb to deliver an anesthetic. Findings from this preclinical study will optimize design and delivery features to maximize its effect on pain control for as long as possible without needing a drug refill. The research is expected to advance eligibility for further testing in large animals and humans. |
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UPENN HEAL - Pain Clinical Trial Network Specialized Clinical Center | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA | FARRAR, JOHN T | Philadelphia, PA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107 Summary: A significant gap exists in understanding of the barriers blocking access to specialized care for children of color who experience headaches, as well as to understand and appreciate the impact of undertreatment on a child’s functional ability and quality of life. Long-term, this research aims to understand these barriers to care and test interventions to remedy disparities. As the first step, this project's primary objective is to identify socioeconomic and clinical factors that lead children experiencing headache to seek care in an emergency department in lieu of outpatient neurology care. The results of this research will help to inform efforts to reduce the negative effects of emergency department overuse in this population and guide them to potentially more appropriate outpatient care. |
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Administrative Supplement to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in EPPIC NET | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | DUKE UNIVERSITY | LIMKAKENG, ALEXANDER TAN | Durham, NC | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: A main goal of the NIH HEAL Initiative and the Early Phase Pain Intervention Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) is to improve non-opioid pain management. This award will leverage the resources at one of EPPIC-Net’s Specialized Clinical Centers by implementing and evaluating strategies to improve the engagement, recruitment, and retention of individuals from underserved racial/ethnic minority populations to participate in EPPIC-Net clinical trials. Since environmental, cultural, and genetic factors may account for observed differences in pain responses between racial and ethnic groups, enrollment of a diverse sample in pain research is crucial to obtain a complete understanding of the effectiveness of any proposed pain therapeutic intervention. The success of these activities will be evaluated, and a toolkit will be created to define best practices that can be by other EPPIC-Net sites and additional trials. |
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Stem cell-loaded microgels to treat discogenic low back pain | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Development and Optimization of Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain | NINDS | CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER | SHEYN, DMITRIY | Los Angeles, CA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Planning Studies for Initial Analgesic Development Initial Translational Efforts [Small Molecules and Biologics] (R34 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-21-016 Summary: Pain caused by the degeneration of discs between vertebrae in the spine makes up a significant proportion of all chronic low back pain conditions. Although opioids are prescribed as treatments for this chronic condition, they often do not provide effective pain management, and currently there are no treatments that target the underlying disc disease. Notochordal cells mature into the cells that make up discs between vertebrae. Preliminary studies have shown that notochordal cells can be made from induced pluripotent stem cells, offering a potential replacement for diseased cells between discs. This study aims to develop a novel treatment for painful disc degeneration using a microgel/microtissue embedded with human notochordal cells made in the lab from induced pluripotent stem cells. |
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Development of KLS-13019 for Neuropathic Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | KANNALIFE SCIENCES, INC. | BRENNEMAN, DOUGLAS ERIC (contact); WARD, SARA J | Lloyd Harbor, NY | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-009 Summary: Neuropathic pain adversely affects quality of life and remains challenging to treat, presenting high unmet medical need. One example of this type of pain, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, is a chronic, severely debilitating consequence of cancer therapy for which there are no effective treatment strategies. This research is testing a new cannabidiol (CBD) analogue (KLS-13019) with neuroprotective properties and which has improved drug-like properties compared to CBD. This project will optimize the process to manufacture KLS-13019, develop analytical methods, optimize its formulation, evaluate its safety and toxicity, and test KLS-13019’s efficacy of in a rat model of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. |
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Closed-Loop Micromagnetic Neuromodulation as a Non-Opioid Treatment for Neuropathic Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | QUANTUM NANOSTIM | REILLY, THOMAS | Treasure Island, FL | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 Summary: Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has been shown to provide effective relief for most people with chronic pain and eliminated the need for opioid therapy in more than half of those treated. However, traditional SCS approaches have encountered problems when glial cells coat the stimulation electrodes that distance the device from targeted neurons. This project will develop a novel hybrid Closed Loop Omnidirectional Neuromodulation with Electromagnetic fields (CLONE) system that is combined with magnetic-based stimulation to overcome glial coating of SCS electrodes, better target neurons in dorsal spine tissue, which may lead to better treatment of chronic neuropathic neck and low back pain. |
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A sequenced-strategy for improving outcomes in patients with knee osteoarthritis pain | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Pain Management Effectiveness Research Network (ERN) | NIAMS | JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY | CAMPBELL, CLAUDIA MICHELLE (contact); CASTILLO, RENAN C; COHEN, STEVEN P | Baltimore, MD | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107 Summary: Knee osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, particularly among older adults. Despite multiple guidelines for care, most patients do not receive adequate treatment, and about 30% are prescribed long-term opioids. This award will be used to recruit and support an early career faculty member from a group underrepresented in biomedicine. This research, part of the Pain Management Effectiveness Research Network will evaluate conservative and more aggressive treatments for knee osteoarthritis and determine which individual-level factors contribute to treatment outcomes. |
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University of Rochester Hub and Spokes for the EPPIC Network - Specialized Clinical Center | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER | MARKMAN, JOHN DOUGLAS | Rochester, NY | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for Administrative Supplements to Support Career Enhancement Related to Clinical Research on Pain (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-048 Summary: Improving pain treatment for is a major goal of the NIH HEAL Initiative. This award supports an early career physician toward achieving a future in clinical pain research and in conducting phase II clinical trials focused on pain. Research activities will provide this individual with the skills needed to serve as a primary investigator for future clinical trials in chronic pain and will help to answer a key question that could improve the design of analgesic clinical trials for neurogenic intermittent claudication, a distinct form of chronic low back pain for which no available treatment exists. |
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Disease Modifying Analgesia with CA8 Gene Therapy | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Development and Optimization of Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE | LEVITT, ROY C | Coral Gables, FL | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Non-addictive Analgesic Therapeutics Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] to Treat Pain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-21-010 Summary: Efforts to identify non-opioid analgesics for treatment of chronic pain have identified a protein, carbonic anhydrase-8 (CA8), in pain-sensing nerve cells in the spinal cord (dorsal root ganglion cells) whose expression regulates analgesic responses. Gene therapy delivering CA8 to dorsal root ganglion cells through clinically relevant routes of administration functions as a “local anesthetic” that induces long-lasting pain relief in animal models of chronic pain. This project will further develop CA8 gene therapy with the goal of treating chronic knee osteoarthritis pain. It will assess several gene therapy constructs to determine the doses needed, safety, efficacy, and specificity to nerve cells for each construct. It will then select the safest and most effective construct that can be administered via the least invasive route for further development. The project will include all steps necessary to identify one candidate gene therapy construct that will be suitable to begin clinical trials in patients with chronic knee osteoarthritis pain. |
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Chemokine-receptor profiling for painful diabetic neuropathy in biological samples from human clinical trials | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | PLUMERIA THERAPEUTICS, INC. | RICHARDSON, THOMAS P (contact); WANG, YIPING | Plainsboro, NJ | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL INITIATIVE: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 Summary: Chronic pain is a major healthcare burden. However, the types and underlying mechanisms of pain vary greatly, as do patient responses to currently available pain medications. Inflammation in the nervous system (neuroinflammation) is involved in several types of pain, and targeting key molecules involved in neuroinflammation is therefore a promising treatment approach. The chemokine receptor system, a complex network of more than 20 different receptors and more than 80 molecules that bind to these receptors, has a central role in neuroinflammation. Researchers do not yet fully understand the functioning of this network and how specific receptors vary in different chronic pain conditions. Therefore, this project aims to further characterize the expression of one specific receptor, using samples collected from participants in clinical trials evaluating a compound that interferes with the receptor’s function. This information should allow researchers to classify pain patients and identify those most likely to benefit from a treatment with compounds targeting the receptor. |