Funded Projects
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Project # | Project Title | Research Focus Area | Research Program | Administering IC | Institution(s) | Investigator(s) | Location(s) | Year Awarded |
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Evaluating the Blood-Brain Barrier Bioavailability and in vivo Efficacy Potential of a Novel TAK1 Inhibitor Targeting Chronic Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | EYDIS BIO, INC. | SCARNEO, SCOTT (contact); HAYSTEAD, TIMOTHY A | Durham, NC | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NS-20-011 Summary: Over-the-counter medicines such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective for treating severe chronic pain and may have serious side effects from continued use, which limits treatment options. A kinase (an enzyme whose activity targets a specific molecule) called TAK1 is involved in the chronic pain process. This research will develop a molecule previously shown to be effective in a model of inflammatory pain that also inhibits TAK1. A main goal will be to determine if this inhibitor (takinib analog HS-276) can cross the blood-brain barrier and, if successful, pursue FDA Investigative New Drug-enabling safety studies leading to a Phase I clinical trial and a potential new chronic pain treatment. |
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Randomized-controlled trial of virtual reality for chronic low back pain to improve patient-reported outcomes and physical activity: Understanding Patient Predictors of Response | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Back Pain Consortium Research Program | NIAMS | CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER | SPIEGEL, BRENNAN | Los Angeles, LA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107 Summary: Although digital health technologies are now widely available for both therapeutic and monitoring applications, there are wide variations in patient knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and preferences regarding their uptake and effectiveness. There are also sociodemographic variations in willingness to participate in digital health research studies, both for chronic pain and other common disorders. However, few efforts have systematically examined patient-level predictors of digital health uptake and benefit among diverse individuals who experience chronic pain. This research will employ mixed methods to examine variations in engagement and benefit among diverse participants in a large clinical trial examining the benefits of virtual reality for treatment of chronic lower back pain. |
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Optimized Interventions to Prevent Opioid Use Disorder among Adolescents and Young Adults in the Emergency Department | New Strategies to Prevent and Treat Opioid Addiction | Preventing Opioid Use Disorder | NIDA | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AT ANN ARBOR | WALTON, MAUREEN A | Ann Arbor, MI | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: The emergency department is an ideal venue to reach and intervene with adolescents and young adults at risk for opioid misuse, particularly as young adults may disconnect from primary care when transitioning out of care in pediatric settings. This study will evaluate the efficacy of interventions of varying type and intensity to prevent or reduce opioid misuse or opioid use disorder. The research leverages technology that is appealing to youth to facilitate intervention delivery by health coaches. In this study, adolescents and young adults in the emergency department screening positive for opioid use or misuse will be randomly assigned to one of four intervention conditions with outcomes measured at 4, 8, and 12 months. Technology-driven, scalable interventions delivered via health coaches allow for real-time tailoring to the rapidly changing opioid epidemic, with the potential to prevent an increase in opioid misuse among adolescents and young adults. Black/African American youth are at increased risk for opioid and other substance use, but they often do not participate in research studies. As a result, it is not known how well prevention interventions work with Black/African American people. This supplement will focus on increasing participant diversity and inclusion by recruiting additional Black/African American participants for this ongoing randomized controlled study of technology-driven prevention interventions. |
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University of Michigan BACPAC Mechanistic Research Center | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Back Pain Consortium Research Program | NIAMS | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AT ANN ARBOR | CLAUW, DANIEL J | Ann Arbor, MI | 2021 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for Administrative Supplements to Support Career Enhancement Related to Clinical Research on Pain (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-048 Summary: There are numerous pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for chronic low back pain, yet no treatment is universally effective. This award supports an early career physician to develop skills to prepare for a career in clinical pain research in an environment aiming to understand patient characteristics that predict differential responses to pain interventions and thus allow for tailored treatments. This research assesses the impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction on pain interference reported by people with chronic low back pain and explores neurobiological effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction through advanced imaging and clinical assessments. |
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University of Michigan BACPAC Mechanistic Research Center | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Back Pain Consortium Research Program | NIAMS | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AT ANN ARBOR | CLAUW, DANIEL J | Ann Arbor, MI | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-21-025 Summary: Chronic overlapping pain conditions represent up to half of all chronic pain cases and can be more debilitating than other forms of chronic pain. These conditions include but are not limited to the following: temporomandibular disorders, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, painful endometriosis, chronic tension type headache, migraine headache, chronic low back pain, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Common neurobiological mechanisms have been suspected to account for the overlap between these conditions, but until recently it has been difficult to efficiently classify each condition within individual patients. A digital classification tool for clinicians has been developed for this purpose, but access to the tool remains limited. Here we propose converting this chronic overlapping pain conditions classification tool into a common web-based application format. |
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Drug Free Nerve Block Device for the Relief of Pain and Symptoms in Migraines and other Headaches | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | THERMAQUIL, INC. | POPIELARSKI, STEPHEN (contact); YUAN, HSIANGKUO | Philadelphia, PA | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL INITIATIVE: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-010 Summary: Migraines and other headaches are often debilitating for patients, yet few treatment options providing sustained relief exist. All available therapies, including frequently prescribed opioids, have considerable side effects or limitations. Therefore, novel treatment approaches are needed to reduce or eliminate the need to use opiates and other systemic pharmaceuticals. Thermaquil Inc. has developed a new way of stopping migraine and other headache pain by noninvasively blocking pain signal transmission in the head, which in initial studies allowed patients to discontinue use of opioids and other addictive pain medications. Thermaquil will now be conducting a larger randomized controlled trial to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of this novel approach. After a baseline period, patients will be randomly assigned to the active or control condition and receive a single treatment. The study will continue for 12 weeks with the active versus control arms, before all patients will be given active therapy for an additional 12 weeks. |
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Promoting high-quality chronic pain treatment trials through mentorship of junior investigators: A focus on study conduct and method development | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER | Gewandter, Jennifer | Rochester, NY | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 Independent Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-20-193 Summary: Enhancing the workforce of pain investigators and practitioners is a key goal of the NIH HEAL Initiative. This mentoring award leverages the resources at one of EPPIC-Net’s Specialized Clinical Centers to encourage interest in clinical pain management, in particular through multidisciplinary pain research projects. A selected investigator will train early career clinical researchers on how to develop and validate relevant pain measures and outcomes in chronic pain conditions, including chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic chronic low back pain. Mentoring activities will include formal research and analysis, active inclusion in EPPIC-Net working groups, and collaborative writing experiences. |
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Providing training in effective non-opioid options for the treatment of pain conditions | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NCCIH | UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO | Doorenbos, Ardith Z | Chicago, IL | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 Independent Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-20-193 Summary: Over-the-counter medicines such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective for treating severe chronic pain and may have serious side effects from continued use, which limits treatment options. A kinase (an enzyme whose activity targets a specific molecule) called TAK1 is involved in the chronic pain process. This research will develop a molecule previously shown to be effective in a model of inflammatory pain that also inhibits TAK1. A main goal will be to determine if this inhibitor (takinib analog HS-276) can cross the blood-brain barrier and, if successful, pursue FDA Investigative New Drug-enabling safety studies leading to a Phase I clinical trial and a potential new chronic pain treatment. |
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A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel, 20-week, Phase 2b Study of Topical Pirenzepine (WST-057) or Placebo in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI | ROBINSON-PAPP, JESSICA | New York, NY | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: EPPIC-Net Pain Research - Application for Clinical Trial and Related Activities (OT2)
NOFO Number: OTA-20-008 Summary: People with diabetes are at risk for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This pain may be experienced as burning, aching, hypersensitivity to touch, or simply as pain, and there are no currently FDA-approved medications that reduce its symptoms. This phase 2 clinical trial, through the EPPIC-NET program, will test a potential new treatment for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The treatment, WST-057 (topical pirenzepine 4%), is a molecule that was developed in the 1980s and marketed throughout Europe and Asia in an oral form to treat gastric ulcers. Studies show that this type of molecule can increase the density of certain nerve fibers, which has been linked with improve patient-reported outcome measures for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. |
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Mentoring in discovery and validation of clinical chronic pain biomarkers | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NINDS | STANFORD UNIVERSITY | Mackey, Sean C | Stanford, CA | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 Independent Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-20-193 Summary: Enhancing the workforce of pain investigators and practitioners is a key goal of the NIH HEAL Initiative. This mentoring award will allow a selected investigator to train early career investigators in patient-oriented research focusing on the development of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for high-impact chronic pain. Mentoring activities will include training in designing and implementing pain research studies, preparing scientific papers and presentations, writing successful grant applications, the responsible conduct of research, and successful navigation of the academic process to achieve scientific independence. This training will allow mentees to advance their independent careers as pain researchers. |
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Mentorship in Precision Pain Medicine via the Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NINDS | Brigham and Women's Hospital | Edwards, Robert R | Boston, MA | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 Independent Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-20-193 Summary: Throughout clinical pain research, there is a need to increase the workforce of researchers familiar with individualized treatment strategies known as precision pain medicine. This mentoring award will leverage EPPIC-Net’s Clinical Coordinating Center resources to encourage interest in clinical pain management, in particular through multidisciplinary pain research projects. A selected clinician-researcher will mentor early career investigators and provide them with hands-on training activities and other skill-building experiences in clinical pain research, with a focus on precision pain medicine, biomarker development, and pain assessment. Mentoring activities will include formal educational coursework, inclusion in EPPIC-Net working groups, and collaborative writing experiences. |
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Mentorship of Junior Investigators on HEAL-SKOAP | Clinical Research in Pain Management | NIAMS | JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY | Campbell, Claudia Michelle | Baltimore, MD | 2021 | |
NOFO Title: Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 Independent Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-20-193 Summary: The HEAL-funded Sequenced-strategy for Improving Outcomes in People with Knee Osteoarthritis Pain (SKOAP) clinical trial evaluates behavioral, pharmacologic, and procedural interventions for patients with knee osteoarthritis pain. It is designed to mimic clinical care for these patients by first testing the effectiveness of conservative and nonsurgical interventions before considering surgical interventions. It is a large-scale clinical trial with a novel design that evaluates multidisciplinary treatments. Therefore, it offers a unique training opportunity for junior investigators from various disciplines who are interested in pain research and management. This mentoring award will allow a selected investigator to train junior investigators by providing protected, mentorship-focused time. |
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A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 80 mg o.d. of NRD135S.El Versus Placebo in Adult and Elderly Subjects with Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (SERENDIPITY-I) | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI | ROBINSON-PAPP, JESSICA | New York, NY | 2021 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: EPPIC-Net Pain Research Asset Application (OT2)
NOFO Number: OTA-20-008 Summary: People with diabetes are at risk for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This pain may be experienced as burning, aching, hypersensitivity to touch, or simply as pain, and there are no currently FDA-approved medications that reduce its symptoms. This phase 2 clinical trial, through the EPPIC-NET program, will test a potential new treatment for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The molecule, NRD135S.E1, is a lab-made version of a natural substance traditionally used to brew tea to treat a variety of indications, including pain, in a village in Siberia. In clinical studies, NRD135S.E1 was well tolerated by patients and showed clinically relevant pain relief. Testing within EPPIC-Net will use a master protocol, an innovative study design in which multiple treatments can be tested at the same time with fewer research participants. |
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A sequenced-strategy for improving outcomes in patients with knee osteoarthritis pain | Cross-Cutting Research | NIAMS | JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY | CAMPBELL, CLAUDIA MICHELLE (contact); CASTILLO, RENAN C; COHEN, STEVEN P | Baltimore, MD | 2022 | |
NOFO Title: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-21-071 Summary: Knee osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of chronic pain and disability worldwide, affecting more than 30% of older adults. Rates of this condition have more than doubled in the past 70 years and continue to grow sharply, given increases in life expectancy and body mass index among the U.S. population. This project supports a scientist from a group underrepresented in biomedicine to expand ongoing clinical research comparing various non-medication-based treatments for knee osteoarthritis. |
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Targeting Endosomal Receptors for Treatment of Chronic Pain | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Treatment of Pain | NINDS | COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES | BUNNETT, NIGEL W; SCHMIDT, BRIAN L | New York, NY | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Pain Treatment (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-18-043 Summary: Many non-opioid drugs target G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs), a family of proteins involved in many pathophysiological processes including pain, fail during clinical trials for unknown reasons. A recent study found GPCRs not only function at the surface of nerve cells but also within a cell compartment called the endosome, where their sustained activity drives pain. This study will build upon this finding and test whether the clinical failure of drugs targeting plasma membrane GPCRs is related to their inability to target and engage endomsomal GPCRs (eGPCRs). This study will use stimulus-responsive nanoparticles (NP) to encapsulate non-opioid drugs and selectively target eGPCR dyads to investigate how eGCPRs generate and regulate sustained pain signals in neuronal subcellular compartments. This study will also validate eGCPRs as therapeutic targets for treatment of chronic inflammatory, neuropathic and cancer pain. Using NPs to deliver non-opioid drugs, individually or in combinations, directly into specific compartments in nerve cells could be a potential strategy for new pain therapies. |
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Validating ASCT2 for the Treatment of Chronic Postsurgical Pain | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Treatment of Pain | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE | MELEMEDJIAN, OHANNES KEVORK | Baltimore, MD | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Pain Treatment (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-18-043 Summary: Pain associated with surgery is experienced by millions of patients every year. Although post-surgical pain usually resolves as the surgical site heals, up to half of the patients develop chronic pain after surgery. Opioids remain the mainstay treatment for post-surgical pain which are fraught with serious side-effects and abuse liabilities. The endogenous mechanism that leads to the resolution of post-surgical pain remain unclear, specifically the effects of surgery on the metabolism of sensory neurons and how those changes influence the resolution of post-surgical pain are not known. Preliminary findings suggest that surgical trauma suppresses pyruvate oxidation while increased glutamine catabolism was associated with the resolution of post-surgical pain. This project will test the hypothesis that tissue incision and surgery disrupt the expression of the glutamine transporter ASCT2, which then prevents the resolution of post-incisional pain and aims to validate ASCT2 as a therapeutic target. This project will also employ pharmacological, genetic and animal pain model studies test a novel RNA expression-based strategy to enhance ASCT2 expression in DRG sensory neurons and alleviate postoperative pain in animal model systems. Successful completion of this project would validate ASCT2 as a novel endogenous non-opioid and non-addictive mechanism-based target for the resolution of postoperative pain. |
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Pain Response Evaluation of a Combined Intervention to Cope Effectively (PRECICE) | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Pain Management Effectiveness Research Network (ERN) | NINR | WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES | ANG, DENNIS CHUA | Winston-Salem, NC | 2020 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Pain Management Effectiveness Research Network: Clinical Trial Planning and Implementation Cooperative Agreement (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-19-021 Summary: Chronic musculoskeletal pain is common and often severe enough to be disabling. Some treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapies or analgesics may relieve pain for some, but not all patients. Combining effective therapies and providing support to ensure that patients are motivated to adhere to their treatment may prove to be more beneficial to patients than prescribing a drug or recommending a single non-pharmacological treatment. This study aims to evaluate a combination of complementary treatments and Registered Nurse (RN) support to motivate patients to use and maintain combined therapies. Some patients will receive phone-based motivational interviews with an RN to enhance their adherence to pain coping skills learned through web-based cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with duloxetine, a pain-relieving drug. Others will receive both treatments but will not receive support from an RN. The study aims to determine whether motivational nursing support enhances adherence to newly learned pain coping skills, and results in improved pain relief and physical function. |
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Development and Optimization of MNK Inhibitors for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Treatment of Pain | NINDS | 4E THERAPEUTICS INC. | SAHN, JAMES JEFFREY | Austin, TX | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest for HEAL Initiative: Request for Administrative Supplements to Existing Grants for Identification and Validation of New Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Targets within the Understudied Druggable Genome
NOFO Number: NOT-TR-20-008 Summary: There is an urgent unmet need for more efficacious analgesics that act via a non-opioid pathway. Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase-interacting kinase 2 (MNK2) is an enzyme that has been implicated in pain signaling, and there is compelling evidence that inhibiting MNK2 has significant pain-reducing effects with few side-effects. Since MNK2 selective inhibitors have not yet been identified, selective inhibition of MNK2 with a small molecule has not been possible. The development of such compounds will enable studies that will illuminate key differences between MNK2 and MNK1. More importantly, from a therapeutic standpoint, highly selective MNK2 inhibitors may prove to have enhanced efficacy and a more favorable side-effect profile than molecules that inhibit both MNK2 and MNK1. This project will support the design and synthesis of at least one MNK2 inhibitor, with >100-fold selectivity over MNK1, that may be developed into a lead compound for treating neuropathic pain. |
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HEALing LB3P: Profiling Biomechanical, Biological and Behavioral phenotypes | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Back Pain Consortium Research Program | NIAMS | UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH AT PITTSBURGH | SOWA, GWENDOLYN A | Pittsburgh, PA | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for Administrative Supplements to Promote Training in Clinical Research on Pain (Admin Supp ? Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-044 Summary: Multiple factors, including inflammation contribute to chronic low back pain. Inflammation is mediated by numerous genes. The study aims to determine how variations in the genes encoding key inflammatory mediators impact the response of patients with chronic low back pain to physical therapy treatment. Gene variations that are known to be linked to inflammation and pain will be tested against their possible association on physical therapy treatment outcomes, to inform clinical decisions on optimal care. This study will support training in clinical research on pain within the context of the HEAL BACPAC Mechanistic Research Center. It will provide resources for a research project relevant to the parent grant and the career development of an individual in the field of pain research. The ability to identify a set of genetic variations and classify patients according to treatment response might enable use of DNA testing as a screening tool for targeted treatments for patients with CLBP. |
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FKBP51 Antagonism to Prevent Chronic Pain: Optimizing Efficacy & Evaluating Safety and Mechanisms | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Treatment of Pain | NINDS | UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL | LINNSTAEDT, SARAH ; MCLEAN, SAMUEL A | Chapel Hill, NC | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Pain Treatment (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-18-043 Summary: A substantial proportion of Americans seeking emergency care after traumatic stress exposure (TSE) are at a high risk of chronic pain and opioid use/misuse. Physiologic systems involved in the stress response could possibly play a critical role in the development of chronic pain after TSE. FK506-binding protein 51 (FKBP51) is an intracellular protein known to affect glucocorticoid negative feedback inhibition and component of stress response, provides an important non-opioid therapeutic target for such chronic pain. This project will test the hypothesis that functional inhibition of FKBP51 prevents or reduces enduring stress-induced hyperalgesia in a timing, dose, and duration-dependent manner in animal models of single prolonged stress alone and in combination with surgery. This project will also test if FKBP51 inhibition enhances recovery following TSE via reduction in pro-inflammatory responses in peripheral and central tissues. It will also test whether FKBP51 inhibition effects cardiotoxicity or addiction. Completion of these studies will increase understanding of FKBP51 as a novel therapeutic target for the prevention of chronic pain and opioid use/misuse resulting from TSE. |
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Home-based transcutaneous electrical acustimulation for abdominal pain | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Translating Discoveries into Effective Devices to Treat Pain | NINDS | JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY | CHEN, JIANDE | Baltimore, MD | 2020 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Translational Devices to Treat Pain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-19-016 Summary: Currently, there are no adequate therapies for abdominal pain in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a gastrointestinal disorder affecting 14-20% of the US population. More than 40% of IBS patients regularly use opioid narcotics. An alternative treatment for IBS that has been shown to be an effective pain management strategy is electroacupuncture. However its drawbacks include infrequent administration, unclear mechanistic understanding, and lack of methodology optimization. This study will use a noninvasive method of transcutaneous electrical acustimulation (TEA) by replacing needles with surface electrodes and testing acupoints that target peripheral nerves. Based on prior mechanistic and clinical studies, two stimulation parameters and effective acupoints will be tested. In the UG3 phase, the TEA device and a cell phone app will be optimized for use in IBS abdominal pain, and an acute clinical study will determine the best stimulation locations and parameters. During the UH3 phase, an early feasibility clinical study will be performed in 160 IBS patients in treating abdominal pain. Participants will self-administer the therapy at home/work and will be randomized across four treatment groups to determine the therapeutic potential of the TEA system. |
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Supplement to hiPSC-based DRG Tissue Mimics on Multi-well Microelectrode Arrays as a Tissue Chip Model of Acute and Chronic Nociception | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Treatment of Pain | NCATS | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS DALLAS | BLACK, BRYAN JAMES | Dallas, TX | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest for HEAL Initiative: Request for Administrative Supplements to Existing Grants for Identification and Validation of New Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Targets within the Understudied Druggable Genome
NOFO Number: NOT-TR-20-008 Summary: This study aims to determine whether a subset of understudied genes that are expressed in human and mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG) tissues (critical for relaying the sensation of pain from the body to the central nervous system), are also expressed in human induced pluripotent stem cell DRG mimetics. The study will also determine if these genes are involved in neuronal excitability changes under inflammatory conditions and compare these responses to those of primary DRG neurons. Third and finally, the study will optimize genetic depletion of target genes enabling future fundamental and preclinical research studies. |
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Anatomic, Physiologic and Transcriptomic Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain in Human DRG | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Novel Targets for Safe and Effective Treatment of Pain | NINDS | UNIVERSITY OF TX MD ANDERSON CAN CTR | DOUGHERTY, PATRICK M | Houston, TX | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest for HEAL Initiative: Request for Administrative Supplements to Existing Grants for Identification and Validation of New Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Targets within the Understudied Druggable Genome
NOFO Number: NOT-TR-20-008 Summary: Using neural tissues from pain patients, this project will investigate mechanisms of neuronal and/or immune dysfunction driving chronic pain. The researchers will use spatial transcriptomics on human dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal cord tissues to examine the cellular expression profile for these targets using the 10X Genomics Visium technology. The use of tissues from control surgical patients and organ donors as well as surgical patients with neuropathic pain will enable validation of expression of these targets in human tissue as well as indication of their potential involvement in neuropathic pain. This collaborative effort will use DRGs removed from pain-phenotyped patients during neurological surgery, as well as lumbar DRGs and spinal cord from organ donors. This study will map the spatial transcriptomes at approximately single cell resolution in the human DRG and spinal cord. |
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The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) EPPIC-Net Specialized Clinical Center | Clinical Research in Pain Management | Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) | NINDS | ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI | ROBINSON-PAPP, JESSICA | New York, NY | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for Administrative Supplements to Promote Training in Clinical Research on Pain (Admin Supp ? Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-044 Summary: Exacerbation of health disparities has emerged during the COVID 19 pandemic and highlighted the recognition that minority underrepresentation in clinical research may contribute to racial disparities in health outcomes. In clinical trials related to pain, disparities in trial patient inclusion are documented by white patients often being overrepresented. Mitigating these disparities is an area in which an early-career pain investigator training and contributions may have lasting benefits. The pandemic also drove rapid expansion of telehealth for pain management without knowledge of how social and demographic factors affect utilization patterns of this care delivery model. This supplement supports research to examine the extent to which disparities exist in access to and outcomes of telehealth in socially marginalized pain patients. Findings will be applied to enrich the diversity in clinical trial populations for phase 2 safety trials performed in the HEAL EPPIC Network. |
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Multi-Omic Biomarkers for Neuropathic Pain Secondary to Chemotherapy | Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management | Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers, Endpoints, and Signatures for Pain Conditions | NINDS | CLEVELAND CLINIC LERNER COM-CWRU | ROTROFF, DANIEL; FOSS, JOSEPH F; JOHNSON, KENWARD B; | Cleveland, OH | 2020 |
NOFO Title: Discovery of Biomarkers, Biomarker Signatures, and Endpoints for Pain (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-18-041 Summary: Taxanes are among the most effective chemotherapeutic agents and are frequently used in the treatment of early stage and metastatic breast cancer. However, they are known to produce a pain condition known as Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathic Pain (CIPNP). CIPNP is one of the primary reasons a patient receives a limited dose of taxane. No diagnostic tool exists to identify patients that will develop CIPNP in response to taxane therapy. Biomarker signatures associated with taxane-induced neuropathic pain will be developed to: 1) identify patients at risk for developing debilitating taxane neuropathic pain before chemotherapy is initiated; and 2) to identify patients already on treatment who are at risk of developing neuropathic pain and need dosing adjustments to prevent CIPNP symptoms. This biomarker signature will be used to detect CIPNP-susceptible patients early and personalize their taxane therapy to minimize CIPNP while optimizing the therapeutic taxane dosing. |