Funded Projects
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Project # | Project Title | Research Focus Area | Research Program | Administering IC | Institution(s) | Investigator(s) | Location(s) | Year Awarded |
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Advancing precision pain medicines to the clinic | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | NAVEGA THERAPEUTICS, INC. | MORENO, ANA MARIA (contact); ALEMAN GUILLEN, FERNANDO | San Diego, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program: Embedded Entrepreneurs for Small Businesses in Pain Management (SB1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PAR-23-069 |
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Targeting TLR4-lipid rafts to prevent postoperative pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | RAFT PHARMACEUTICALS, LLC | DOUGHERTY, PATRICK M (contact); KOGAN, YAKOV | San Diego, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-009 |
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Commercial Readiness in CTS Pain Management | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIAMS | HIGHLAND INSTRUMENTS, INC. | WAGNER, TIMOTHY ANDREW (contact); DIPIETRO, LAURA | Cambridge, MA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program: Embedded Entrepreneurs for Small Businesses in Pain Management (SB1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PAR-23-069 |
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A Novel Opioid-Free Targeted Pain Control Method for Acute Post-Operative Localized Pain Related to Oral Surgical Procedures | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | REVBIO, INC. | JADIA, RAHUL (contact); KAY, GEORGE | Lowell, MA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: PHS 2022-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-22-176 |
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Novel non-narcotic analgesic for acute and chronic pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | SOUTH RAMPART PHARMA, LLC | NAISMITH, ROBERT | New Orleans, LA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program: Embedded Entrepreneurs for Small Businesses in Pain Management (SB1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PAR-23-069 |
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Improving Analgesic Effectiveness and Safety with Proactive Precision Pain Management in Thoracic Surgical Patients with Lung Lesions | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NHLBI | OPALGENIX, INC. | PLUMP, STEVEN R (contact); SADHASIVAM, SENTHILKUMAR | Indianapolis, IN | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL INITIATIVE: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 |
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Development of the OpiAID Strength Band Platform | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | OPIAID, INC. | REESER, DAVID (contact); MACQUEEN, DAVID ALDERSON; WASHINGTON, WENDY DONLIN | Wilmington, NC | 2023 |
NOFO Title: Developing Regulated Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Patients Affected by Opioid and/or Stimulants use Disorders (OUD/StUD) (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-23-021 Summary: Although medications for opioid use disorder are effective and available, providers currently lack methods to monitor patients and thus inform improved dosing. This project will develop Strength Band Platform, an innovative artificial intelligence-based digital platform. The wearable device will collect patient physiological characteristics to detect relapse and withdrawal during treatment with medications for opioid use disorder in real-world settings. |
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Development of an Opioid Sparing Therapeutic to Minimize Opioid Use Disorder and Tolerance in the Treatment of Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | AMALGENT THERAPEUTICS, LLC | MEYN, MALCOLM A | Greenville, NC | 2023 |
NOFO Title: PHS 2022-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-22-176 Summary: Managing the risks and benefits of opioid medications can be difficult. Although prescription opioids alleviate pain for some patients, serious adverse effects include opioid use disorder. There is a critical, unmet need for new technologies that significantly minimize the opioid doses needed for effective relief from moderate to severe pain. This project will develop a novel combination treatment containing a small amount of morphine along with pramipexole, a drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome that reduces the reward-seeking behavior associated with opioids. The research will conduct safety studies to enable testing in human research participants. |
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Predicting and Preventing Adverse Maternal and Child Outcomes of Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | OPALGENIX, INC. | PLUMP, STEVEN R (contact); SADHASIVAM, SENTHILKUMAR | Carmel, IN | 2023 |
NOFO Title: Developing Regulated Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Patients Affected by Opioid and/or Stimulants use Disorders (OUD/StUD) (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-23-021 Summary: There is an urgent and unmet clinical need for a reliable technology to prevent maternal opioid use relapse and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) in their infants. This project aims to assess risk for these outcomes based on individual genetic and clinical factors. The research will expand previous studies of genetic and clinical predictors of opioid-related adverse outcomes. The goal is to develop a risk predictor algorithm and software tool for use in an electronic health record, toward personalized risk assessment and prevention of maternal relapse and NOWS. |
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Novel Venous Device for the Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NICHD | V-FLOW MEDICAL, INC. | BRENNEMAN, RODNEY | San Juan Capistrano, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 Summary: Pelvic venous compression is a common cause of chronic pelvic pain in women. Because many women do not receive an accurate diagnosis for the cause of their pelvic pain, some take opioids to help manage their symptoms. This project will further develop a new diagnostic system specifically designed to treat limited blood flow in pelvic region. This system visualizes pelvic veins toward development of a method to relieve pressure that causes pain. |
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Targeted Temperature Modulation with Smart Radiometric Monitoring for Effective and Long-Lasting Opioid-Free Pelvic Pain Relief: A Novel Low-Cost, Portable, Tampon-Sized Thermal Transfer Device | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NICHD | H3PELVIC THERAPY SYSTEMS, INC. | LYON, ZACHARY W | Lewisville, NC | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL INITIATIVE: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-23-006 Summary: Pelvic pain (PP) includes more than 20 different painful and debilitating conditions, such as urinary tract infections, menstrual cramps, endometriosis, overactive bladder, and interstitial cystitis, and affects millions of people. Globally, pelvic pain affects 1 in 5 women and 1 in 12 men. This project will develop an instrument to monitor and treat pain-associated temperature changes in the pelvic region to reduce chronic pelvic pain. This novel system is intended to be used at home with personalized settings. |
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Evaluation of the Therapeutic Potential of Exclusive Antagonists of Extrasynaptic NMDA Receptors for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | NEURANO BIOSCIENCE | MOLOKANOVA, ELENA | La Jolla, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: Advancing Validated Drug Targets for Substance Use Disorders (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-023 Summary: New and safe therapeutic targets for treating opioid use disorder are needed. One promising approach is to test drugs currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that work independently of the body’s opioid system. The medication memantine targets N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain, which have been implicated in the development and maintenance of addiction. This project will study a miniature version of multiple memantine molecules bound together that attaches only to NMDA receptors that are not within nerve connections. The research will evaluate the safety, misuse potential, and effectiveness of this molecular assembly in preclinical models. |
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Protease-Activated-Receptor-2 Antagonists for Treatment of Migraine Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | PARMEDICS, INC. | DEFEA, KATHRYN (contact); DUSSOR, GREGORY O | Temecula, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-009 Summary: There is a need for additional effective treatments for migraine, which affects more than 36 million people in the United States. This project will develop an oral medication to disrupt the biological processes that drive migraine pain, which include nerve inflammation in response to pain signals. |
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Development of a Novel Calcium Channel Therapeutic for Opioid Use Disorder | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | VIVREON BIOSCIENCES, LLC | GREENBERG, MILTON L | San Diego, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: Developing Regulated Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Patients Affected by Opioid and/or Stimulants use Disorders (OUD/StUD) (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-23-021 Summary: Hospitalized patients often receive opioids for pain and sleep management, which can contribute to opioid dependence and continued use after leaving the hospital. Even when hospital stays are extended to wean people from opioids, these patients remain at increased risk for opioid use disorder and withdrawal. This project will develop a novel small molecule medication that blocks nerve inflammation to prevent opioid dependence in hospitalized patients receiving opioids. |
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Development of an AI-Empowered Device that Utilizes Multimodal Data-Visualization to Aid in the Diagnosis, and Treatment, of OUD | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | WAVI COMPANY | ARESE LUCINI, FRANCESCA | Englewood, CO | 2023 |
NOFO Title: Developing Regulated Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Patients Affected by Opioid and/or Stimulants use Disorders (OUD/StUD) (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-23-021 Summary: There are a lack of clinical tools to effectively identify and monitor opioid use disorder (OUD). This project will develop and test a clinically usable device that uses a range of data inputs and an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to help health care providers diagnose and treat OUD. The research aims to help providers choose treatment plans and monitor the timing of release from rehabilitation clinics. |
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Developing and Testing the Opioid Rapid Response System | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | REAL PREVENTION, LLC | HECHT, MICHAEL (contact); CHOI, HYE JEONG | Clifton, NJ | 2023 |
NOFO Title: PHS 2022-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH and CDC for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: PA-22-177 Summary: Reversing an opioid overdose requires a rapid response not available through standard emergency procedures. The Opioid Rapid Response System recruits and trains citizen responders to reverse overdoses with naloxone. It uses widely disseminated smart phone apps linking responders to an overdose through the 911 system. This project will complete the development of this system, test how well it works to reverse an opioid overdose, and prepare to share it widely. |
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Optogenetic Pain Modulator for Non-Opioid Chronic Pain Management | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | OPSIN BIOTHERAPEUTICS, INC. | NARCISSE, DARRYL | Bedford, TX | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 Summary: Optogenetics is a method of controlling nerve or brain activity using light-sensitive cell receptors (opsins). Optogenetics has been used in brain research for decades, allowing researchers to understand the brain and its associated disorders by selectively turning on and off specific nerve cells. This project will develop and refine use of an opsin and a light-stimulation device to control nerve cells contributing to the sensation of pain. |
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The Pain in a Dish Assay (PIDA): A High Throughput System Featuring Human Stem Cell-Derived Nociceptors and Dorsal Horn Neurons to Test Compounds for Analgesic Activity | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NCATS | VALA SCIENCES, INC. | MCDONOUGH, PATRICK M | San Diego, CA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL INITIATIVE: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-23-006 Summary: This project will develop PIDA, which will allow researchers to measure the activity of pain-sensitive human neurons in response to pain stimuli and potential pain treatments. The tool will use automated digital microscopes in the absence or presence of a potential pain medication. Since this tool contains human neurons, it may be more effective at predicting the efficacy of potential pain drugs in human patients than the animal models that are currently used. |
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BoostPrime, A Novel Digital Therapeutic for Craving Mitigation in Opioid Use Disorder | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | NXTECH, INC. | PATEL, SALIL | Patchogue, NY | 2023 |
NOFO Title: Developing Regulated Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Patients Affected by Opioid and/or Stimulants use Disorders (OUD/StUD) (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-23-021 Summary: Cravings and impulsivity are key contributors that lead people to return to opioid misuse, but are not addressed by currently available treatments and tools. This project will develop and validate BoostPrime, a customized digital therapeutic software tool that delivers novel cognitive training exercises. The tool aims to help address cravings and strengthen momentary self-control for people with opioid use disorder by incorporating. |
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Improving Analgesic Effectiveness and Safety with Proactive Precision Pain Management in Thoracic Surgical Patients with Lung Lesions | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NHLBI | OPALGENIX, INC. | PLUMP, STEVEN R (contact); SADHASIVAM, SENTHILKUMAR | Carmel, IN | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-011 Summary: Thoracic (chest) surgeries often cause both short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) pain and long-term opioid use. Unique genetic and clinical risk factors affect individual responses to surgical pain and pain medications. Current trial-and-error approaches to managing post-surgical pain and opioid prescribing are not ideal. This project will develop predictive software within a medical device that takes into account an individual’s genetic and clinical information to predict the likelihood of chronic pain following thoracic surgery. |
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Combination Therapeutic for Chronic Opioid Use Disorder Relapse | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | APHIOS CORPORATION | CASTOR, TREVOR P | Woburn, MA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: PHS 2022-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-22-176 Summary: Side effects from taking the opioid receptor blocker naltrexone make it difficult for patients to adhere to treatment with this medication for opioid use disorder. Cannabidiol (CBD), a bioactive ingredient of cannabis, is not an opioid and is non-psychoactive. Previous research shows that CBD blocks opioid-seeking behaviors, craving, and withdrawal. This project will develop tiny particles containing CBD and low-dose naltrexone. The research will determine if this combined version of CBD and naltrexone helps people stay in treatment and prevents relapse without problematic side effects. |
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Development of a Regional Anesthesia Guidance System to Increase Patient Access to Opioid-Sparing Analgesia for Hip Fracture Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIAMS | RIVANNA MEDICAL, INC. | MAULDIN, FRANK WILLIAM | Charlottesville, VA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL INITIATIVE: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-23-006 Summary: Every year, more than 330,000 Americans are hospitalized for hip fractures. Rapid surgical intervention and pain treatment is critical to recover mobility and reduce other health complications. Ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia techniques are an effective alternative to opioid medication, but require specialized training for use in the emergency department. This project will develop and validate an easy-to-use ultrasound-based regional anesthesia guidance system, to ultimately improve access to non-opioid-pain treatment for hip fracture pain. |
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Beacon-OUD: Behavioral Economic Screening Tool of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) for Use in Clinical Practice | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIDA | BEAM DIAGNOSTICS, INC. | SNIDER, SARAH EMILY | Roanoke, VA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: PHS 2021-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: PA-21-259 Summary: Current clinical screening measures for opioid misuse are underused and susceptible to bias. This project will develop Beacon-OUD, a digital opioid misuse assessment. The tool generates an automated, standardized score, preventing potential judgements related to patient’s status and circumstances, limiting stigma. The research will further advance Beacon-OUD into a commercial product for use both as a stand-alone tool and as an electronic health record-integrated solution to encourage objective opioid misuse screening in large health care systems. |
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Clinical Optimization of Ultrasonic Drug Delivery Technologies for Underserved Minority U.S. Veterans in Chronic Pain | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NIMHD | ZETROZ SYSTEMS, LLC | LEWIS, GEORGE KENNETH | Trumbull, CT | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-20-010 Summary: Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases affecting Americans. Osteoarthritis is particularly high among veterans with a service-related disability. This project will develop and refine a wireless ultrasound device that increases the penetration of over-the-counter pain medications into the body, which is expected to reduce pain. The research will conduct safety and clinical testing toward commercializing this technology. |
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Opioid-Sparing Non-Surgical, Bioresorbable Nerve Stimulator for Pain Relief | Cross-Cutting Research | Small Business Programs | NINDS | VANISH THERAPEUTICS INC. | CUI, XINYAN TRACY | Mars, PA | 2023 |
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Development of Therapies and Technologies Directed at Enhanced Pain Management (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-23-007 Summary: Nerve stimulators are devices surgically implanted near a peripheral nerve or on the spinal cord that use electrical signals to reduce the perception of pain. Although these devices can provide effective pain relief to patients, many have high complication rates, resulting from the wire moving, breaking, not working, or the implantable battery pack or permanent wire causing new pain. This project will support the development and animal testing of a peripheral nerve stimulator to treat chronic pain which can be implanted without surgery. Once injected, the device will provide pain relief through electrical stimulation and then be safely degraded and resorbed by the body. |