INTEGRATE-Pain (IMI-NIH Transatlantic Emphasis Group on Research And Translation-to-care Efforts for Pain) Introductory Webinar
Wed, 8/5/2020
Thu, 8/6/2020
The Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative®, or NIH HEAL Initiative®, and the IMI-PainCare Consortium will host a webinar, free and open to the public, to introduce INTEGRATE-Pain, the IMI-NIH Transatlantic Emphasis Group on Research And Translation-to-care Efforts for Pain. This group was established to enhance cooperation in pain research between the U.S. and Europe.
The objectives of INTEGRATE-Pain are transatlantic knowledge sharing, harmonizing of standards, combination of infrastructures, coordination of data collection to improve the statistical power of data interpretation in future meta-analyses, and joint dissemination.
This introductory webinar will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about INTEGRATE-Pain and interact directly with its members.