Applicant Webinar: NIH HEAL Initiative’s PRECISION Human Pain Network

Fri, 2/18/2022 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm


Past event. This event already took place. Visit this webpage for upcoming events.

This webinar provided an overview of the HEAL Initiative’s Program to Reveal and Evaluate Cells-to-gene Information that Specify Intricacies, Origins, and the Nature of Human Pain (PRECISION Human Pain) and addressed questions pertinent to preparing applications for the following funding opportunities:

HEAL Initiative: Discovery and Functional Evaluation of Human Pain-associated Genes & Cells (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-NS-22-018

HEAL Initiative: Human Pain-associated Genes & Cells Data Coordination and Integration Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-NS-22-021

Upcoming receipt date for these RFAs is March 17, 2022

The objectives of the PRECISION Human Pain network are to use primary human tissues and cells to build up comprehensive datasets of molecular signatures, cell types, and cellular function phenotypes or signatures that underlie human pain signal transduction, transmission, and processing. These RFAs will support multidisciplinary groups of researchers to conduct collaborative, team-based science utilizing cutting-edge technologies and approaches. Together with the U19 Centers, the U24 Data Coordination and Integration Center will harmonize and integrate generated datasets. Overarching goals of the network are to:

  • Elucidate and validate functional roles of human genes and cellular phenotypes underpinning the heterogeneity, pathogenesis, and susceptibility to specific pain conditions.
  • Enable and accelerate the discovery and validation of condition/disease-specific human pain therapeutic targets with enhanced translational potential.


D.P. Mohapatra, Ph.D., Program Director, HEAL/NINDS

Julia L. Bachman, Ph.D., Scientific Project Manager, HEAL/NINDS

Videos From the Event

Dr. D.P. Mohapatra and Dr. Julia Bachman from NINDS present a webinar on the HEAL Initiative PRECISION Human Pain network funding opportunities RFA-NS-22-018 and RFA-NS-22-021.





Presentations and Downloads:

Speaker Presentations