Toward Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management (RFA-AT-24-003) Technical Assistance Webinar

Wed, 8/9/2023 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm


NIH invites you to register for a virtual, pre-application technical assistance webinar to learn more about RFA-AT-24-003, "HEAL Initiative: Toward Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management (R61/R33, Clinical Trial Required)."

Highlights of this webinar include an overview of the scope and impact of this initiative from Dr. Helene M. Langevin, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) director, as well as application considerations and review requirements from NCCIH program and review staff. A portion of the webinar will be devoted to answering applicant questions. This pre-application webinar will be recorded. (See Frequently Asked Questions document to learn more about the funding opportunity in advance of the webinar.)

Registrants are encouraged to submit questions in advance to: [email protected]