Funded Projects

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Project # Project Title Research Focus Area Research Program Administering IC Institution(s) Investigator(s) Location(s) Year Awarded
Preferences and Predictors Driving Opioid-Involved Polysubstance Use Profiles and Trajectories: Implications for Improving Care Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COUGHLIN, LARA NICOLE (contact); LIN, LEWEI ALLISON Ann Arbor, MI 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Understanding Polysubstance Use and Improving Service Delivery to Address Polysubstance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-047

Little is known about what motivates people to use multiple drugs. Understanding these factors is important for tailoring treatment services. Behavioral economic theory, which determines how much value individuals assign to drugs and potential negative consequences, provides a framework to understand the choices people make. This project will identify patterns, motivating factors, and long-term trajectories of opioid-involved polysubstance use behaviors and treatment. This research will use a range of methods to analyze substance use episodes as well as examine motives and preferences associated with polysubstance use behaviors and how they change over time. The findings will be combined into a toolkit to inform timing, type, and tailoring of interventions and policies to guide implementation of effective clinical strategies and policies for managing polysubstance use in healthcare systems.

Patient Navigator plus Remote mHealth Adherence Support with Incentives to Improve Linkage and Retention among Hospitalized Patients with Opioid and Methamphetamine Use Who Initiate Buprenorphine Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON TSUI, JUDITH Seattle, WA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Pilot & Feasibility Trials to Improve Prevention and Treatment Service Delivery for Polysubstance Use (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-048

Patients who use both opioids and methamphetamine often experience serious medical complications requiring hospitalization. While hospitalization provides an opportunity to start addiction treatment, linking patients to outpatient treatment after discharge is hard. This project will develop and conduct a pilot trial of an intervention that combines patient navigation with a mobile app offering financial incentives for outpatient treatment. This research will also develop outcome measures to describe participants’ use of healthcare and how it is influenced by baseline methamphetamine use. If effective, this patient-navigator-plus-mHealth approach could help reduce substantial gaps in treatment and retention for people who use opioids and methamphetamines simultaneously.

Improving Pain Management and Opioid Safety Through a Systemwide, Data Driven Evaluation of the CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline Best Practices and the Use of Clinical Decision Support Cross-Cutting Research Translating Data 2 Action to Prevent Overdose NIDA UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER HOPPE, JASON Aurora, CO 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action Innovation Projects
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-051 

Clinical decision support tools help clinicians make treatment decisions based on routinely collected data and offer a promising strategy to implement evidence-based practices for safe and effective pain management. This project will use clinical decision support tools embedded into electronic health records to help healthcare providers make treatment decisions that align with opioid prescribing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The project will also use information from prescription drug monitoring programs, insurance claims, and mortality data to evaluate patient outcomes. This research will evaluate how prescribing practices that align with CDC guidelines affect patient outcomes and whether clinical decision support tools provide an advantage over standard care practices for pain management.

Cancer Pain Management: A Technology-Based Intervention for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors Clinical Research in Pain Management Advancing Health Equity in Pain Management NCI EMORY UNIVERSITY IM, EUN-OK (contact); CHEE, WONSHIK Atlanta, GA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Advancing Health Equity in Pain and Comorbidities (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-22-037

Asian American women who have survived breast cancer and who also have depression are less likely to receive adequate pain treatment due to cultural stigma attached to breast cancer, cultural attitudes about living with pain and symptoms, and language barriers. This project will use a personalizable, technology-based approach to treat cancer pain and depression in Japanese American, Chinese American, and Korean American women who have survived breast cancer. The intervention will accommodate flexibility, accessibility, and anonymity: three factors that have historically hindered effective pain management for this population of breast cancer survivors.

Long-term Opioid Therapy, Depression, and Suicide Mortality Risk in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Cross-Cutting Research Leveraging Existing and Real-Time Opioid and Pain Management Data NIDCR DUKE UNIVERSITY OSAZUWA-PETERS, NOSAYABA Durham, NC 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Secondary Analysis and Integration of Existing Data Related to Acute and Chronic Pain Development or Management in Humans (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-DE-22-011

It is unclear if long-term use of opioids by head and neck cancer patients affects risk for depression, which is higher in this population compared to people without cancer. This knowledge could inform interventions such as increased opioid prescription safety or alternative pain management approaches and could thus help reduce the risk for depression-related outcomes. This project will use data from a national cancer database linked to Medicare claims and a Veterans Administration database to determine whether people with head and neck cancer that take opioid medications for more than 90 days have increased risk for new-onset or worsening depression or suicide death.

Naltrexone Transdermal Patch - An Accessible, Patient-Focused Option to Treat OUD Relapse Novel Therapeutic Options for Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Focusing Medication Development to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose NIDA LIBERO PHARMA LIMITED GARDINER, ANDREW Edinburgh, United Kingdom 2022
NOFO Title: Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3)
NOFO Number: PAR-20-092​

Naltrexone is the only medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to prevent relapse from opioid use disorder. This medication remains underused because it must be injected into muscle by a nurse and is relatively expensive. This project will develop and test a novel naltrexone skin patch that is easier to use, more comfortable, and inexpensive.

Treating Polysubstance Use in Methadone Maintenance: Application of Novel Digital Technology Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Improving Delivery of Healthcare Services for Polysubstance Use NIDA FRIENDS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. MITCHELL, SHANNON GWIN Baltimore, MD 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Understanding Polysubstance Use and Improving Service Delivery to Address Polysubstance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: DA22-047

Although methadone is an effective treatment for opioid use disorder, many individuals drop out of treatment, putting them at risk of relapse and overdose. One of the factors associated with poor retention in methadone treatment is concurrent cocaine use. There is currently no effective medical treatment for cocaine use disorder. However, contingency management, in which individuals receive tangible rewards for desired behaviors such as abstinence, has been shown to be effective for cocaine use. This project will test the value of a digital therapy app, DynamiCare Health Contingency Management, in methadone treatment programs to promote treatment for polysubstance use.

Enhancing Effectiveness Research on Recovery Housing for Persons Prescribed Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Translation of Research to Practice for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Recovery Research Networks NIDA PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE MERICLE, AMY ADALE (contact); MASSON, CARMEN L Oakland, CA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Research Networks for the Study of Recovery Support Services for Persons Treated with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (R24 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-043

Safe and stable housing is widely considered to be critical to recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders. Therefore, providing dedicated safe and substance-free housing options for individuals in recovery (recovery housing) may be an essential component of a comprehensive response to the current opioid crisis. However, there is limited evidence about effective recovery housing practices for individuals choosing treatment with medications for opioid use disorders as part of their path to recovery. This project will enhance the infrastructure necessary to study the effectiveness of recovery housing for these individuals. It will develop a national multi-stakeholder network, host webinars for researchers and recovery housing providers, and support mentored pilot studies for new researchers seeking to study recovery housing.

Using System Dynamics Modeling to Foster Real-Time Connections to Care Cross-Cutting Research Translating Data 2 Action to Prevent Overdose NIDA YALE UNIVERSITY HECKMANN, REBEKAH (contact); S SABOUNCHI, NASIM New Haven, CT 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action Innovation Projects (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOFO Number: RFA-DA-22-051

First responders prevent many overdose deaths by providing life-saving resuscitation and giving naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose. This project will use a modeling approach to assess the impact of Good Samaritan Laws that protect people from certain criminal penalties if they call 911 to save an overdose victim by giving naloxone on overdose mortality. This research will develop and test a novel, scalable, telehealth platform that can be used at the time of an opioid overdose to link patients with access to medication for opioid use disorder, harm reduction services, and recovery support. The research will be informed by patient-outcome data.

Validation of Blocking TSP4/Cava2d1 Interaction as a New Target for Neuropathic Pain Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NIDCR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-IRVINE LUO, ZHIGANG DAVID Irvine, CA 2022
NOFO Title: NOT-NS-20-107; PA-21-071
NOFO Number: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

An important step for identifying new, non-addictive chronic pain treatments is the search for new, non-opioid molecular targets that reflect the human condition. Recent findings show an increase in levels of two proteins (calcium channel alpha-2delta-1 subunit and thrombospondin) in sensory and spinal cord neurons after nerve injury. This increase is associated with the development of neuropathic pain. This project will determine if chronic injury to key nerve fibers involved in pain cause changes in rat behavior that indicate altered mood. These nerve fibers include the trigeminal nerve that communicates pain, touch, and temperature sensations from the face to the brain and the L5/6 spinal nerves often associated with back and leg pain. This research will also test whether small protein-like molecules (peptides) that block calcium channel alpha-2delta-1 subunit and thrombospondin also block the mood-related behaviors.

Quantifying and Treating Myofascial Dysfunction in Post Stroke Shoulder Pain Clinical Research in Pain Management Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers, Endpoints, and Signatures for Pain Conditions NCCIH JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY RAGHAVAN, PREETI Baltimore, MD 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management
NOFO Number: RFA-AT-22-003

Shoulder pain occurs in many patients who are recovering from a stroke. In addition to impairments in the ability to move, persistent shoulder pain contributes to depression, and often reduces quality of life. Although the cause of post-stroke shoulder pain is complex and not completely understood, it is thought to arise in part to damage of muscles and surrounding connective tissues (myofascial tissues) in the shoulder. This project will use advanced medical imaging techniques to create biomarkers of that can reliably identify myofascial tissues. The research will then test the ability of these biomarkers to monitor, and ultimately predict treatment responses in patients with post-stroke shoulder pain in the context of a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Community-Partnered Exploration of the Pain-Related Treatment Needs of First-Generation Immigrants Cross-Cutting Research Increasing Participant Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement in HEAL Research NIDA UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH AT PITTSBURGH HAMM, MEGAN; KRAEMER, KEVIN L Pittsburgh, PA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements to Support Strategies to Increase Participant Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement in Clinical Studies
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-22-066

Prior research has shown that chronic pain is common among immigrants and refugees. Cultural preferences for pain management, combined with barriers to healthcare in the United States, result in a lack of effective and accessible pain treatment in these populations. Pain experiences and treatment preferences of non-English-speaking immigrant and refugee communities are poorly understood because of a lack of research conducted in non-English-speaking immigrants’ native languages. This research will develop effective, equitable, and sustainable interventions for individuals with both chronic pain and opioid use disorder: in particular, individuals within Hispanic/Latino and Bhutanese communities.

Integrative Treatment for Achieving Holistic Recovery from Comorbid Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NIDA UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO WITKIEWITZ, KATIE A; PEARSON, MATTHEW RYAN Albuquerque, NM 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107; PA-21-071

Few integrated treatments are available that simultaneously address the fundamental causes of chronic pain and opioid misuse/opioid use disorder and focus on well-being among individuals with chronic pain and opioid misuse/opioid use disorder. This research will inform development of patient-centered interventions that increase quality of life and engagement in valued activities, are culturally appropriate for use by diverse patient populations, and reduce stigma related to chronic pain and opioid misuse/opioid use disorder. The results of this project will be used to inform future research focused on developing mobile health treatments for individuals with chronic pain and opioid use disorder, and for developing culturally appropriate treatments for chronic pain and opioid use disorder in Hispanic/Latino individuals.

Fibromyalgia TENS in Physical Therapy Study (TIPS): An Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trial: Administrative Supplement Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NIAMS UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SLUKA, KATHLEEN A; CROFFORD, LESLIE J Iowa City, IA 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for Administrative Supplements to Support Career Enhancement Related to Clinical Research on Pain (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-22-087

This research is using a pragmatic clinical trial to test transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in patients with widespread muscle pain and tenderness (fibromyalgia). The research will determine if the addition of TENS to physical therapy reduces pain, increases physical therapy adherence, and helps achieve functional goals with less medication use. This project will involve early career scientists who will gain access to pragmatic research tools as well as develop the skills needed to pursue a career in clinical pain research focused on fibromyalgia.

Development and Validation of a Multimodal Ultrasound-Based Biomarker for Myofascial Pain Clinical Research in Pain Management Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers, Endpoints, and Signatures for Pain Conditions NCCIH UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH AT PITTSBURGH WASAN, AJAY D (contact); KIM, KANG ; PU, JIANTAO Pittsburgh, PA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management
NOFO Number: RFA-AT-22-003

Pain in the muscles and surrounding connective tissues (myofascial pain) can affect many regions of the body and is a key component of chronic low back pain. Patients with chronic low back pain have a range of musculoskeletal problems perpetuating their pain. There is a significant clinical need to identify the components of myofascial pain in people with chronic low back pain. Advances in ultrasound technology have allowed researchers to identify several differences in muscle and connective tissues related to myofascial pain. This project will develop and validate an ultrasound-based biomarker signature for myofascial pain in the low back. This research will also refine the biomarker signature using advanced machine learning approaches, toward future testing in in a randomized controlled clinical trial.

University of Michigan (UM) HEAL Initiative National K12 Clinical Pain Career Development Program (UM-HCPDP) Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NINDS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN WILLIAMS, DAVID A (contact); CLAUW, DANIEL J; HARTE, STEVEN EDWARD Ann Arbor, MI 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: National K12 Clinical Pain Career Development Program (K12 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-22-045

The Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee has reported that early-stage investigators are leaving the clinical pain research workforce for other fields. In addition, pain clinician researchers at the senior/mentor level are also exiting the field. This project will create a national training center for early-career clinicians and scientists interested in pursuing and sustaining independent careers in clinical pain research. Research will focus on rigorous scientific methods and procedures in pain research as well as the importance of stakeholder engagement.

Examining Trauma Prevalence and Exploring Interoception as a Mechanism of Emotion Regulation in MOUD Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NCCIH UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRICE, CYNTHIA J; MERRILL, JOSEPH O Seattle, WA 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107; PA-21-071

Effective treatments for opioid use disorder need to address the complex needs of patients, which may include mental health problems and substantial chronic pain. This project will measure lifetime trauma experienced by men and women who take medication for opioid use disorder, as well analyze the association between types of trauma and symptomatic distress. The project will also explore whether an individual’s perceptions of sensations from inside their body (interoceptive awareness) affect emotional control and mental health. This research will fill knowledge gaps i critical to better understanding opioid use disorder treatment and relapse.

Multimodal Imaging Biomarkers for Investigating Fascia, Muscle, and Vasculature in Myofascial Pain Clinical Research in Pain Management Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers, Endpoints, and Signatures for Pain Conditions NCCIH GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY SIKDAR, SIDDHARTHA Fairfax, VA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management
NOFO Number: RFA-AT-22-003

Pain in the muscles and surrounding connective tissue (myofascial pain) is a significant health concern affecting hundreds of millions of Americans.  Myofascial pain is primarily diagnosed by asking people about their amount of pain as well as through a physical examination. Both approaches are imprecise ways to diagnose the specific type of pain a patient is experiencing and what is causing it. This project aims to improve myofascial pain management and treatment by developing ways to measure changes to soft tissues (e.g., muscle, connective tissues, nerves, blood vessels) in people with myofascial pain compared with soft tissues in people who are not in pain. The project will develop an imaging biomarker that can distinguish healthy and diseased soft tissues that may contribute to myofascial pain syndrome. The project will then test the ability of these biomarkers to predict patient outcomes in a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Investigating the Contributions of Voltage Gated Sodium Channels to Oxaliplatin Induced Neuropathy Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NINDS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT DAVIS YAROV-YAROVOY, VLADIMIR M Davis, CA 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107; PA-21-071

Many molecular gates known as ion channels control the flow of electrical signals to sensory neurons and are thus key mechanisms and targets for understanding and interrupting pain signals. Recent breakthroughs in structural and computational biology shave illuminated specific molecular shapes of ion channels, which permits the improved design and refinement of small, stable protein-like molecules (peptide antigens). These peptides can stimulate an immune response that can then be targeted with a bioengineered antibody to match the peptide antigen. This project will test bioengineered antibodies in a rat model of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy within a region of the rat spinal cord that transmits signals to and from the brain.

University of Michigan BACPAC Mechanistic Research Center Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NIAMS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CLAUW, DANIEL J; HASSETT, AFTON L Ann Arbor, MI 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for Administrative Supplements to Support Career Enhancement Related to Clinical Research on Pain (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-22-087

Many medication-based and complementary/integrative interventions are available to treat chronic low back pain, yet no treatment works for all patients. This clinical research strives to understand patient characteristics that predict differential responses to chronic low back pain interventions such as acupressure. This knowledge will enable early career researchers and clinicians to develop tailored treatments for individual patients.

Diversity Supplement to FKBP51 Antagonism to Prevent Chronic Pain: Optimizing Efficacy & Evaluating Safety and Mechanisms Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NINDS UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL LINNSTAEDT, SARAH; MCLEAN, SAMUEL A Chapel Hill, NC 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107; PA-21-071

Current evidence indicates that chronic pain after a traumatic injury is influenced by the body’s response to stress. This project will conduct a comprehensive analysis of gene expression after traumatic stress exposure in a range of animal models in various body regions including the brain (amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus) and spinal cord, as well as nerves and immune cells throughout the body. These studies will be conducted in animals with no stress exposure as well as in animals treated with a molecule (FKBP51) known to block the stress response. This research will enhance understanding of how FKBP51 and post-injury stress affect pain processes.

MRI-Based Quantitative Characterization of Impaired Myofascial Interface Properties in Myofascial Pain Syndrome Clinical Research in Pain Management Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers, Endpoints, and Signatures for Pain Conditions NCCIH MAYO CLINIC ROCHESTER YIN, ZIYING (contact); BAUER, BRENT A Rochester, MN 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management
NOFO Number: RFA-AT-22-003

Pain in the muscles and surrounding connective tissue (myofascial pain) is a significant health concern affecting hundreds of millions of Americans. Understanding and managing myofascial pain has been limited due to a lack of tools to help clinicians diagnose and treat this disorder. While past efforts to understand myofascial pain have focused on impairments in how connective tissues connect to other tissues in the body, this project will use a new imaging technique to study myofascial tissue physical properties, including how they move in the body and their structural stiffness. This research will identify an imaging biomarker to be used in a randomized controlled clinical trial to predict patient responses to a myofascial pain treatment.

PURPOSE: Positively Uniting Researchers of Pain to Opine, Synthesize, and Engage Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NINDS NEUROVATIONS COVERSTONE, JACOB SUTTON Napa, CA 2022
NOFO Title: Emergency Awards: HEAL Initiative: Coordinating Center for National Pain Scientists Career Development (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: RFA-NS-22-060

The Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee has identified a need for organized opportunities for early-stage pain researchers to meet and learn from more experienced pain researchers and mentors – who are exiting the field at a faster rate than they are being replaced. This project will create a coordinating center for early-stage pain researchers, with an online networking platform to encourage interactions and collaboration among these scientists. The research will also develop a training curriculum and make it accessible to NIH funded, early-stage pain scientists.

Statistical Methods to Jointly Model Multiple Pain Outcome Measures Cross-Cutting Research Training the Next Generation of Researchers in HEAL NINDS NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE TROXEL, ANDREA B; PETKOVA, EVA New York, NY 2022
NOFO Title: Notice of Special Interest to Encourage Eligible NIH HEAL Initiative Awardees to Apply for PA-20-222: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOFO Number: NOT-NS-20-107; PA-21-071

The Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-Net) conducts comprehensive analyses of observable traits (deep phenotyping) and aims to identify molecular and physiological signatures to help characterize specific pain conditions. To achieve these goals, researchers collect complex data using technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, actigraphy, and electroencephalography. There is a need to train researchers to be able to extract key information from high-powered computing resources now widely available.  This research will complement the goals of EPPIC-Net by enhancing development of novel statistical methods to analyze complex data generated by EPPIC-Net pain studies.

Electrophysiological and Ultrasound Quantitative Biomarkers for Myofascial Pain Clinical Research in Pain Management Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers, Endpoints, and Signatures for Pain Conditions NCCIH BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL CENTER RUTKOVE, SEWARD B (contact); WAINGER, BRIAN JASON Boston, MA 2022
NOFO Title: HEAL Initiative: Developing Quantitative Imaging and Other Relevant Biomarkers of Myofascial Tissues for Clinical Pain Management
NOFO Number: RFA-AT-22-003

Pain in the muscles and surrounding connective tissue (myofascial pain) is a significant and poorly understood health concern affecting hundreds of millions of Americans. There is a great need for tools to assess changes to myofascial tissues in individuals with chronic pain as well as to measure the effect of commonly used therapies. This project will use three imaging tools to look at differences between shoulder tissue in people with myofascial pain compared to those without pain. Using a machine learning approach, this research aims to develop a biomarker signature for myofascial pain, which will be evaluated in a randomized controlled clinical trial based on its ability to predict patient responses to myofascial pain treatments.