Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW) Program: Addressing Overdose, Substance Use, Mental Health, and Pain

The Research Need
NIH held Tribal Consultations in 2018 pdf 1.09 MB and 2022 pdf 377.56 KB to seek input on research needs for addressing opioid use and pain in Native communities. Many themes emerged, including the importance of Indigenous Knowledge and local expertise, and the need to invest in research and data led by Tribes and Native American Serving Organizations (T/NASOs). In direct response to priorities identified in Tribal Consultations, the N CREW Program is a highly collaborative partnership between NIH, T/NASOs, and Ally Organizations established to address the opioid/drug public health emergency.
About the Program
The N CREW Program supports T/NASOs to conduct locally prioritized research to address overdose, substance use, and pain, including related factors such as mental health and wellness. Research led by Native communities is essential for enhancing culturally grounded, strengths-based, effective, and sustainable intervention strategies.
The N CREW Program has three main goals:
- Support T/NASOs to lead community prioritized research projects, including research elevating and integrating Indigenous Knowledge and culture.
- Enhance capacity within T/NASOs to conduct locally prioritized research by developing and providing novel, accessible, culturally grounded technical assistance and training, resources, and tools.
- Improve access to, and the quality of, data on substance use, pain, and related health and wellbeing factors to maximize their potential for use in local decision-making.
Program Details
The N CREW Program is anticipated as a seven-year program (Fiscal Year 24 - FY30) with two Phases. It is planned as a multi-component Program using a variety of funding mechanisms, which may include Other Transactions, Cooperative Agreements, Contracts and/or Grants over the course of the Program. The overall planned budget for all N CREW Program components is approximately $268 million.
In Phase I (FY24 - FY26) NIH is supporting T/NASOs to plan, develop, pilot, and/or implement research and/or data improvement projects. Additionally, NIH is supporting a Native Research Resource Network (NRRN) to provide comprehensive real-time training and resources to assist the T/NASOs, as well as overall coordination of cross-site activities. The NRRN members, T/NASOs, and NIH will collaborate to meet Program objectives throughout Phase I. The planned budget for Phase I activities is approximately $25 million.
Phase II is anticipated to begin in FY26 and continue for five years through FY30, with a planned budget of approximately $240 million. This Phase will build on what is learned and achieved in Phase I, likely supporting the implementation of research and/or data improvement projects. NIH anticipates Phase II funding will be an open competition, meaning that any organization that meets the eligibility criteria would be able to apply; Phase II funding opportunities are not restricted to Phase I award recipients. NIH will release more information about Phase II at a later date.
Across Phases I and II, ancillary activities that support achieving overall Program goals may be identified as the Program develops. Read the Questions and Answers to learn more about the Program.
Funding Information
Phase I awards have been made; however, NIH is interested in learning about the different ways communities are addressing overdose, substance use, pain, and related factors (e.g., mental health, wellness). Please email [email protected] if you would like to share what your community is doing or if you have any questions about N CREW or Phase II of the Program.
Funded Institutions
View the full list of Phase I funded projects in NIH RePORTER or the HEAL Funded Projects Database.
- Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma - Absentee Shawnee Tribal Health System: HEAL Initiative: Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW) Program- Addressing Overdose, Substance Use, Mental Health, and Pain (OT2)
- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium - Heal(th) From Within: A Research Collaborative to Share our Journeys to Wellness
- Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board - AASTEC-AAIHB N CREW Program
- Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation - Yakama Nation: Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness Program
- Eastern Shoshone Tribe - Our Healing Journey: A Cultural and Traditional Response to the Opioid Epidemic
- Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, Inc. - PERSON-CENTERED RESEARCH ON CULTURE AS HEALTH (PERCH) An Indigenous Model of Wellness
- Lumbee Land Development, Inc. - Building iCRISP: Indigenous Community-Informed Research Infrastructure to address Substance Misuse and Pain Management
- Montana Consortium for Urban Indian Health - Promoting Wellness among Native Americans in Urban Areas
- Native American Community Clinic - Increasing the Capacity of a Community-Based Research Center to Address Opioid Use Disorder and Related Health Inequities in Urban American Indian Communities
- Northwest Indian College - Indigenous Strengths as Solutions in a Public Health Crisis (Project ISH)
- Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board - Northwest Regional Research Center
- Southcentral Foundation - Commitment to Recovery: Alaska Native Community Needs for Substance Use Treatment
- Utah Navajo Health System, Inc. - Development and Implementation of a Community-Led Research Program in the Utah Navajo Health System
- Wabanaki Health and Wellness - Understanding Pain Expression in Wabanaki People during Recovery: Enhancing Wabanaki Research, Data Self-Determination, and Capacity Development
- RAND Corporation - Partnering to Achieve Wellness for Native Americans through Indigenous Knowledge (PAWNIK)
- University of Hawaii at Manoa - Hawaii N CREW Research Resource Center
- University of Washington - GATHER: Growing a Tribal Healing Effort through Research
- Washington State University - Promoting Community Wellbeing Through Indigenous Science and Healing
- Read the NIH’s press release on the N CREW Program launch.
The following resources provide additional background information on the Program and detailed information on past funding announcements. There are currently no active funding opportunities.
- Notice of Information: Research Opportunity Announcements for the Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW) Program: Addressing Overdose, Substance Use, Mental Health, and Pain.
- Notice of Research Opportunity Announcements for the HEAL Initiative: Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW): Addressing Overdose, Substance Use, Mental Health, and Pain Program.
- Webinar 1: NIH N CREW Program: Background and Research Opportunity Announcements. Watch recorded webinar. Download slides. Download the supplementary resource – Definitions and Acronyms.
- Webinar 2: Instructions for Using eRA Commons and ASSIST for N CREW Research Opportunity Announcements. Watch recorded webinar. Download slides.
- Webinar 3: NIH N CREW Program Webinar: Questions and Answers. Watch the recorded webinar.
- Read the Phase I Questions and Answers to learn more about the previous OTA-23-007 and OTA-23-008 funding opportunities.
Participating NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
- National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
- National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
- National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
- National Institute on Aging (NIA)
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
- National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
- Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health (ORWH)
- Office of The Director, National Institutes of Health (OD)
- Tribal Health Research Office, National Institutes of Health (THRO)
View Other Research Programs in this Focus Area
- Collaborative Care for Polysubstance use in Primary Care Settings (Co-Care)
- Optimizing Care for People with Opioid Use Disorder and Mental Health Conditions
- Optimizing the Duration, Retention, and Discontinuation of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Preventing Opioid Use Disorder
- Prevention of Progression to Moderate or Severe Opioid Use Disorder (STOP)
- Sleep Dysfunction as a Core Feature of Opioid Use Disorder and Recovery
Contact: Dr. Kathy Etz, NIDA
To receive N CREW resources and information on future funding opportunities, please email [email protected] to be added to the Listserv.